Saving Faith By: David Baldacci


“Fine. So what’s our next move?”

“Hit all our lines of investigation as hard as we can. Find Lockhart.

Let’s hope she uses a credit card for plane or train tickets. If she

does that, we’ve got her. We need to at least make an effort to find

the shooter. Shadow Buchanan. Unscramble that tape and see who was in

that house. I want you to act as liaison with the VCU. We have a lot

of threads, if we can only grab one or two of them and hold on.”

“Hey, isn’t that always the case?”

“We’re in a really tight spot here, Connie.

He nodded thoughtfully. “I heard Fisher was here. Figured he’d been

by to see you.”

Reynolds didn’t respond to this, and Connie plunged on.

“Thirteen years ago, I was heading up a joint undercover drug operation

with the DEA in Brownsville, Texas.” He paused for a moment as if

deciding whether to go forward or not. “Our official goal was to

disrupt the flow of cocaine over the Mexican border. Our unofficial

goal was to accomplish our mission without making the Mexican

government look bad. For that reason, we had open lines of

communication with our counterparts in Mexico City. Perhaps too open,

since there was rampant corruption south of the border at all levels.

But it was done that way so the Mexican authorities could share in the

glory after we did all the work and scored the perps heading up the

cartel. After two years of work, a huge bust was planned. But our

plans got leaked and my guys walked into an ambush that left two of

them dead.”

“Oh my God. I heard about that case, but I didn’t know you were

involved in it.”

“You were probably still cutting your teeth at Quantico.”

Reynolds didn’t know if this was a backdoor barb or not, but she chose

not to respond.

“Anyway, after all that went down, I got a visit from one of the young

ladder climbers at HQ who wouldn’t know which end of his pistol to

hold, and who politely informed me that if I didn’t make things right,

my ass was cooked. But there was one stipulation. If I found out our

friends in Mexico sent us down the river, I couldn’t use that as an

excuse. International relations, I was told. I’d just have to fall on

the sword for the good of the world.” Connie’s voice trembled a little

as he said this last part.

Reynolds found she was holding her breath. It was not like Connie to

talk this much. In the dictionary, the man’s picture could well be

found next to the word “taciturn.”

He took a gulp of coffee and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

“Well, you know what? I traced the leak right to the top of the

Mexican police department and I put a big X on the bastards’ foreheads

and walked away from it. If my superiors didn’t want to do anything

about it, fine. But damn if I was going to take the fall for

somebody’s else’s shit.” He eyed her steadily. “”International

relations,”” he said, a bitter smile spreading across his lips as he

did so. He rested his elbows on her desk.

Was this a challenge he was laying before her? Reynolds wondered. Was

he expecting to leave an X on her forehead, or daring her to pin one on


“That’s been my official motto ever since,” he said.

“What’s that?”

“Fuck ‘international relations.””



Central Intelligence, with the former group completely unaware of the

latter’s presence. Thornhill’s men also had the advantage of knowing

that Lee Adams was probably traveling with Faith Lockhart. The FBI

agents were only looking for the woman.

Lee unknowingly passed a couple of the FBI agents dressed as

businessmen with briefcases and Wall Street Journals. They were

equally oblivious to him. Faith had passed by the agents a moment


Lee slowed when he got near to the main ticket counter. Faith was up

there speaking with a clerk. This was starting to look okay. He had a

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Categories: Baldacci David