Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

Lee put his hand against the exposed wall and immediately felt air from

the outside coming through the cracks. He was startled for a moment

when he saw a slender line of light coming from the top of the wall.

Then he realized it was the moonlight coming through a gap where wall

was supposed to meet roof.

Lee carefully nudged open the closet door. It still let out a

prolonged squeak that made him catch a breath. No clothes, not even a

single hanger. He shook his head and went into the small connecting

bathroom. Here, there was a more modern, drop-down ceiling, linoleum

floor with a pebble design and plasterboard walls covered with peeling

flower-patterned wallpaper. The shower was a one-piece fiberglass

unit. However, there were no towels, toilet paper or soap. No way to

shower or even freshen up.

He went through into the other, adjoining bedroom. Here, the smell of

mildew on the bed covers was so strong he almost had to hold his nose.

The closet here was empty as well.

None of this was making sense. He stood in the pool of moonlight

coming through the window, felt his neck tickled by the drafts of air

pushing through the cracks in the walls and shook his head. What was

Faith Lockhart doing here if not using it as some kind of love nest?

That was what his initial conclusion had been, even though he had only

seen her with the tall woman. People swung lots of ways. But not even

with cement up their noses could they have been having sex on these


Returning downstairs, he went across the hallway and into the other

front space, which Lee assumed was the living room. The windows here

had been boarded over as well. There was a bookshelf notched into one

of the walls, although no books were on it. As in the kitchen, the

ceiling was unfinished. As Lee swung his light upward, he spied the

short pieces of wood tacked between the joists at forty-five-degree

angles, forming a line of X’s across the ceiling. The wood was clearly

different from that used for the original construction; it was lighter

and of a different grain. Additional support? Why had that been


He shook his head in the manner of a man resigned to his fate. Now

added to Lee’s list of worries was the possibility that the damn second

floor would collapse at any minute on his head. He envisioned his obit



As Lee shone his light around, he froze. Set into one wall was a door.

A closet, most likely. Nothing unusual about that, except that this

door was secured by a deadbolt. He went over and examined the lock

more closely, glancing at the small pile of wood dust on the floor

directly under the lock. Lee knew it had been left over when the

person installing the lock had drilled the hole through the wooden

door. Exterior deadbolts. A security system. A deadbolt recently

installed on an interior closet door in a crappy rental in the boonies.

What could be so valuable here to go to all this trouble?

“Shit,” Lee said again. He wanted to leave this place, but he could

not take his eyes off the lock. If Lee Adams had one fault-and it

could hardly be considered a fault for someone in his line of work-it

was that he was a very curious man. Secrets plagued him. People

attempting to hide things came close to infuriating him. As a “lunch

pail” kind of guy utterly convinced that great monied forces stalked

the earth creating all kinds of havoc for ordinary folk like him, Lee

believed in the principle of full and fair disclosure with all his

substantial heart. Putting action to that belief, he wedged the

flashlight under his armpit, holstered his gun and pulled out his

lock-pick kit. His fingers worked nimbly as he slipped a fresh pick

into the lock-pick gun. He took a deep breath, inserted the pick in

the lock and turned on the machine.

When the deadbolt slid back, Lee took another deep breath, pulled his

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Categories: Baldacci David