Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

idea of when we can get a flight out of here?”

“We fly through Norfolk and then take a commuter to Pine Island, off

the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Flights to Norfolk are pretty

frequent. The commuter to Pine Island you have to call ahead and

schedule. Once we get the Norfolk flight scheduled, I’ll call down and

arrange that. They only fly during daylight.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because we won’t be landing on a regular runway; it’s more like a

little road. No lights or tower or anything. Just a wind sock.”

“That’s comforting.”

“Let me call down and check on the house.”

They went over to the phone bank and Lee listened while Faith confirmed

their arrival. She hung up. “All set. We can get a rental car once

we get down there.”

“So far, so good.”

“It’s a nice place to relax. You don’t need to see or talk to anybody

else if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t want to,” said Lee firmly.

“I’d like to ask you a question,” Faith said as they walked toward a



“How long had you been following me?”

“Six days,” he promptly answered, “during which you made three trips to

the cottage, including last night.”

Last night, Faith thought. Was that all it had been? “And you haven’t

reported back to your employer yet?”

“Why not?”

“I like to do weekly reports, unless something really extraordinary

happens. Believe me, if I’d had time, last night would have qualified

for the mother of all reports.”

“How were you to make these reports if you don’t know who hired you?”

“I was given a phone number.”

“And you never checked up on it?”

He looked at her with annoyance. “Nah, why should I care? Take the

money and run.”

She looked chastened. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Uh-huh, sure.” He shifted the bags slightly and continued, “There’s a

special crisscross directory that’ll give you the corresponding address

if you have the phone number.”


“And in these days of satellite phones and nationwide cell networks and

crap like that, nothing came up. I called the number. It must have

been set up just to receive calls from me because it told Mr. Adams to

leave any information on the tape. It also gave a P.O. box in D.C.

Being the ever curious type I checked that out too, but it was listed

in the name of a corporation I’d never heard of, with an address that

turned out to be phony. Dead end.” He looked down at her. “I take my

work seriously, Faith. I don’t like walking into traps. Famous last

words, right?”

They stopped at the small cafe’, bought their coffee and a couple of

bagels and sat down in a vacant corner of the place.

Faith took a quick breath as she sipped her coffee and nibbled on a

poppy seed bagel oozing butter. Maybe he was being straight with her,

but he still had a connection to Danny Buchanan. It was such a strange

feeling suddenly being fearful of a man she had idolized. If things

had not changed so much between them the last year, she would have been

tempted to call Danny. But she was confused now, the horror of last

night so crystal clear in her mind. Besides, what was she supposed to

ask him: Danny, did you try and have me killed last night? If you did,

please stop, I’m working with the FBI to help you, really And why did

you hire Lee to follow me, Danny? Yes, she had to part company with

Lee, and soon.

“The report you were given, tell me what it said about me,” Faith said.

“You’re a lobbyist. You used to be with a big outfit, represented

Fortune 500s. About ten years ago, you and a man named Daniel Buchanan

started your own firm.”

“Did it mention any of our current clients?”

He cocked his head. “No, is that important?”

“What do you know about Buchanan?”

“The report didn’t say much about him, but I did some digging on my

own, nothing you won’t know. Buchanan is a legend on the Hill. Knows

everybody and everybody knows him. Fought all the big battles, made a

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Categories: Baldacci David