Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

would use whatever tactics he could to bring his agency back to the

forefront, even if it meant stealing a page from his most bitter foe.

Well, watch me do you one better, Ed.

Thornhill focused again on the men clustered around him. “Not having

to kill one of our own would, of course, be ideal,” he said. “However,

the fact is, the FBI have her under ’round-the-clock stealth security.

The only time she’s truly vulnerable is when she goes to the cottage.

They may place her in Witness Protection without warning, so we have to

hit them at the cottage.”

Another man spoke up. “Okay, we kill Lockhart, but let the FBI agent

live, for God’s sake, Bob.”

Thornhill shook his head. “The risk is too great. I know that killing

a fellow agent is deplorable. But to shirk our duty now would be a

catastrophic mistake. You know what we’ve invested in this operation.

We cannot fail.”

“Dammit, Bob,” the first man to protest said, “do you know what will

happen if the FBI learns we took out one of their people?”

“If we can’t keep a secret like that, we have no business doing what we

do,” Thornhill snapped. “This is not the first time lives have been


Another member of the group leaned forward in his chair. He was the

youngest of them. He had, however, earned the respect of the group

with his intelligence and his ability to exercise extreme, focused


“We’ve only really looked at the scenario of killing Lockhart to

forestall the FBI’s investigation into Buchanan. Why not appeal to the

FBI director and have him order his team to give up the investigation?

Then no one has to die.”

Thornhill gave his younger colleague a disappointed look. “And how

would you propose going about explaining to the FBI director why we

wish him to do so?”

“How about some semblance of the truth?” the younger man said. “Even

in the intelligence business there’s sometimes room for that, isn’t


Thornhill smiled warmly. “So I should say to the FBI director-who, by

the way, would love to see us all permanently interred in a museum-

that we wish him to call off his potentially blockbuster investigation

so that the CIA can use illegal means to trump his agency. Brilliant.

Why didn’t I think of that? And where would you like to serve your

prison term?”

“For chrissakes, Bob, we work with the FBI now. This isn’t 1960

anymore. Don’t forget about CTC.”

CTC stood for the Counter Terrorism Center, a cooperative effort

between the CIA and the FBI to fight terrorism by sharing intelligence

and resources. It had been generally deemed a success by those

involved. To Thornhill, it was simply another way for the FBI to stick

its greedy fingers into his business.

“I happen to be involved in CTC in a modest way,” Thornhill said. “I

find it an ideal perch on which to keep tabs on the Bureau and what

they’re up to, which is usually no good, as far as were concerned.”

“Come on, were all on the same team, Bob.”

Thornhill’s eyes focused on the younger man in such a way that everyone

in the room froze. “I request that you never say those words in my

presence again,” Thornhill said.

The man paled and sat back in his chair.

Thornhill clenched his pipe between his teeth. “Would you like me to

give you concrete examples of the FBI taking the credit, the glory for

work done by our agency? For the blood spilled by our field agents?

For the countless times we’ve saved the world from annihilation? How

they manipulate investigations in order to crush everyone else, to beef

up their already bloated budget? Would you like me to give you

instances in my thirty-six-year career where the FBI did all it could

to discredit our mission, our people? Would you?” The man slowly

shook his head as Thornhill’s gaze bored into him. “I don’t give a

damn if the FBI director himself came down here and kissed my shoes and

swore his undying allegiance to me-I will not be swayed. Ever! Have I

made my position clear?”

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Categories: Baldacci David