Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

“The big one at the end there. Owner’s retired, lives in Florida. He’s

got a couple of other properties. I troubleshoot for him, and he gives

me a break on the rent.”

Faith started to walk out of the alley, but Lee stopped her. “Give me

a sec, I want to check things first.”

She clutched his jacket. “You are not leaving me here alone.”

“I’m just making sure there’s nobody there waiting to throw us a

surprise party. Anything looks weird, give a shout and I’m back in two


He disappeared and Faith edged into the crevice of the alley. Her

heart was beating so loud, she half expected a window to open and a

shoe to come sailing out at her. When she thought she could not take

being alone anymore, Lee reappeared.

“Okay, it looks good. Let’s go.”

The outer door to the building was locked, but Lee opened it with his

key. Faith noted the video camera bolted to the wall above her head.

Lee looked at her. “My idea. I like to know who’s coming to see me.”

They went up four flights of stairs to the top floor and down the

hallway to the last door on the right. Faith eyed the three locks on

the door. Lee opened each of them with another key.

When the door opened, she heard a beeping sound. They went inside the

apartment. On the wall was an alarm panel. Screwed into the wall

above it was a piece of shiny copper on a hinge. Lee flipped the

copper shield down so that it covered the alarm panel. He reached his

hand underneath the copper plate and hit some buttons on the panel and

the beeping sound stopped.

He looked over at Faith, who was watching him closely.

“Van Fck radiation. You probably wouldn’t understand.”

She hiked her eyebrows. “You’re probably right.”

Next to the alarm panel was a small video screen built into the wall.

On the screen Faith could see the front stoop of the building. It was

obviously the video link to the surveillance camera outside.

Lee locked the front door and then put his hand on it. “It’s steel,

set in a special metal frame I built myself. It doesn’t matter how

strong the lock is. What usually gives is the frame. A lousy

two-by-four if you’re lucky. A crook’s Christmas present handed out by

the building industry. I’ve also got pick-proof window locks, outside

motion detectors, piggyback cellular on the alarm system’s phone link.

We’ll be okay.”

“I take it you’re somewhat security-minded?” she said.

“No, I’m paranoid.”

Faith heard something approaching from down the hall. She flinched,

but relaxed when she saw Lee smile and move toward the sound. A second

later an old German shepherd wandered around the corner. Lee squatted

and played with the big dog, who rolled over on his back. Lee

accommodated the animal with a belly rub.

“Hey, Max, how you doing, boy?” Lee patted Max’s head and the dog

affectionately licked his owner’s hand.

“Now, this thing is the best security device ever invented. Don’t have

to worry about electrical outages, batteries going dead or somebody

turning his loyalties.”

“So your plan is that we stay here?”

Lee looked up at her. “You want something to eat or drink? We might

as well work on this over a full stomach.”

“Hot tea would be nice. I couldn’t really look at food right now.”

A few minutes later they were sitting at the kitchen table. Faith

sipped on herbal tea while Lee worked on a cup of coffee. Max dozed

under the table.

“We have a problem,” Lee began. “When I went in the cottage I tripped

something. So I’m on the videotape.”

Faith looked stricken. “My God, they could be on their way here right


“Maybe that’s a good thing.” Lee looked at her sharply.

“And why is that?”

“I’m not into helping criminals.”

“So you think I’m a criminal?”

“Are you?”

Faith fingered her teacup. “I was working with the FBI, not against


“Okay, what were they doing with you?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“Then I can’t help you. Come on, I’ll give you a ride to your place.”

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Categories: Baldacci David