Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

“You saved all of our lives. You’re probably the most innocent person

in this room. What do you think?”

Lee looked at Faith and then at Buchanan before coming back to

Reynolds. “I don’t think I can give you a great reason to do it, but

if you want my gut, I’d say to go along with them.”

Reynolds sighed and looked over at Connie. “You have a way of

contacting this monster?” Connie said nothing. “Connie, you work with

us on this, it’ll help you. I know you were just prepared to kill all

of us, and I shouldn’t give a damn about what happens to you.” She

paused and looked down for a moment. “But I do. Last chance, Connie,

what do you say?”

Connie’s big hands clenched and unclenched nervously. He looked at

Buchanan. “What exactly do you want me to say?”

Buchanan told him precisely, and Connie sat down on the couch, picked

up the phone and dialed. When the line was answered, he said, “This is

.. “-Connie looked embarrassed for a moment-“this is Ace-in-the-Role.”

A few minutes later Connie put down the phone and looked at each of

them. “Okay, it’s done.”

“Did he seem to buy it?” Lee asked.

“Yes, but you can never be sure with these guys.”

“Good, enough; that gives us some time,” Buchanan said.

“Well, right now we have some things to tend to,” Reynolds said. “Like

a number of dead bodies. And I’ve got to report in. And get you”-she

looked at Connie-“into a cell.”

Connie glared at her. “So much for loyalty,” he said.

She glared back. “You made your choices. What you did for us will

help you. But you’re going to be in prison a long time, Connie. At

least you get to live. That’s more of a choice than Ken had.”

She looked at Buchanan. “Now what?”

“I suggest we leave here immediately. Once were out of the area, you

can call the police. When we get back to Washington, Faith and I will

meet with the FBI, tell them what we know. We must keep everything

completely secret. If he knows were working with the FBI, we’ll never

get the proof we need.”

“This guy had Ken killed?”


“Is he with a foreign interest?”

“Actually, you both have the same employer.”

Reynolds looked at him, stunned. “Uncle Sam?” she said slowly.

Buchanan nodded. “If you trust me, I will do my best to bring him to

you. I have my own personal score to settle with him.”

“And what exactly do you expect in return?”

“For me? Nothing. If I go to prison, I go to prison. But Faith goes

free. Unless you can guarantee me that, you can just call the police

right now.”

Faith grabbed his arm. “Danny, you’re not taking the fall for this.”

“Why not? It was my doing.”

“But your reason?”

“Reasons are no defense. I knew I was taking a chance when I broke the


“Well, so did I, dammit!”

Buchanan turned back to Reynolds. “Do we have a deal? Faith does not

go to prison.

“I’m really not in a position to offer you anything.” She pondered the

issue for a moment. “But I can promise you this: If you are shooting

straight with me, I’ll do everything in my power to see that Faith goes


Connie stood up, suddenly looking pale. “Brooke, I need to hit the

john, like quick.” He was wobbly on his feet; one hand slid to his


She glanced at him suspiciously. “What’s the matter?” She scrutinized

his pallid features. “Are you all right?”

“To tell you the truth, I’ve been better,” he mumbled, his head rolling

to one side, his left side drooping.

“I’ll go with him,” Lee said.

As the pair started to the stairs, Connie seemed to lose his balance

and he pressed his hand hard against the center of his chest, his face

contorted in pain. “Shit. Oh, God!” He dropped to one knee, moaning,

saliva dripping out of his mouth; he started gurgling.

“Connie!” Reynolds started toward him.

“He’s having a heart attack,” Faith cried out.

“Connie!” Reynolds said again as she stared at her stricken partner,

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Categories: Baldacci David