Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

wireless call to a precise location.

The National Security Agency would be able to trace the call with its

stadium-size circular antennae. The super-secret NSA possessed

technological might that made anything the CIA had pale by comparison,

Thornhill well knew. It was said that the intelligence the NSA

perpetually swept out of the air could fill the Library of Congress

every three hours, gobbling up avalanches of information-bytes.

Thornhill had availed himself of the NSA’s services before. However,

the NSA (the inside joke was that the acronym stood for “no such

agency”) was often difficult for anyone to control. Thus Thornhill

didn’t want to involve them in this highly sensitive matter. He would

handle it himself.

“You know why I’m calling?” Buchanan said.

“A tape. A highly personal one.”

“It’s good doing business with someone who considers himself


“I would appreciate some small bit of evidence, if it’s not too much

trouble,” Thornhill said placidly.

Buchanan played a snatch of the earlier conversation between the two


“Thank you, Danny. Now, your terms?”

“Point one, you don’t go near Lee Adams’s daughter. That is called

off. Now and forever.”

“Do you happen to be with Mr. Adams and Ms. Lockhart right now?”

“Second, all three of us are off limits as well. If anything remotely

suspicious happens, then the tape goes directly to the FBI.”

“During our last conversation you said you already had the means to

destroy me.”

“I lied.”

“Do Adams and Lockhart know of my involvement?”


“How can I trust you?”

“It would only have put them in more danger to tell them. All they

want to do is survive. It seems a common enough goal these days. And

I’m afraid you’ll just have to take my word for it.”

“Even though you just admitted lying to me?”

“Exactly. Tell me, how does it feel?”

“And my long-term plan?”

“I really don’t give a damn at this point.”

“Why did you run?”

“Put yourself in my place; what would you have done?”

“I would never have allowed myself to be put in your place,” said


“Thank God we can’t all be like you. Do we have an agreement?”

“I don’t have much choice, do I?”

“Join the club,” said Buchanan. “However, you can be absolutely

certain that if anything happens to any of us, it’s over for you. But

if you play fair, you accomplish your goal. Everyone lives to


“Good doing business with you too, Danny.”

Thornhill clicked off and sat there seething for a few moments. Then

he made another call but came away disappointed. The trace had not

been made. Well, that was all right. He hardly expected it to be so

easy. He still had his ace in the hole. He made one more phone call

and this time the information brought a broad smile to his lips. As

Danny had said, Thornhill did know all there was to know, and he

thanked God for his omniscience. When you planned for every possible

contingency you were difficult to beat.

Buchanan was with Lockhart, of that he was almost certain. His two

golden birds were occupying the same nest. That made his task

infinitely simpler. Buchanan had outsmarted himself.

He was just about to refill his scotch when his wife popped her head

in. Would he like to go to the club with her? There was a bridge

tournament going on. She had just gotten a call. A couple had

canceled and wanted to know if the Thornhills could take their place.

“Actually,” he said, “I’m very much engaged in a game of chess.” His

wife looked around the empty room. “Oh, it’s long-distance, dear,”

Thornhill explained, nodding at his desktop computer. “You know the

things one can do with technology these days. You can do battle and

never even see your opponent.”

“Well, don’t stay up too late,” she said. “You’ve been working very

hard and you’re not a young man anymore.”

“I see light at the end of the tunnel,” Thornhill replied. And this

time he was telling the absolute truth.


REYNOLDS AND CONNIE REACHED DUCK, North Carolina, around one in the

morning after only a single stop for fuel and food and reached Pine

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Categories: Baldacci David