Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

confirm that the license tag matched the bike Lee Adams had borrowed

from his brother’s shop. Then they drove to the other end of the

street, hit the lights and talked it over.

“Maybe it’s as simple as me going in the front and you going in the

back,” Reynolds said as she studied the dark house. Her skin was

tingling with the thought that a bare fifty feet away were two or

possibly the three key people in this whole investigation.

Connie shook his head. “I don’t like that. The Honda being there

means Adams is in there too.”

“We’ve got his gun.”

“A guy like that, first thing he would’ve done is get another one. And

we go in, even if we surprise him, he knows the lay of the land better

than we do. He might get one of us.” He added, “And you don’t even

have a gun, so were not splitting up.”

“You’re the one who said you thought Adams wasn’t a bad guy.”

“Thinking something and being absolutely certain of it are two

different things. And that difference is not something I’m willing to

risk anybody’s life over. And rushing in on anybody, good or bad, in

the middle of the night, mistakes can happen. I intend on getting you

back to your kids in one piece. And I wouldn’t mind doing the same.”

“So how do we play it? Wait for daylight and call in


“Calling in the locals will probably mean every TV station down here

will be on the block an hour after we do. That won’t earn us many

points at HQ.”

“Well, I guess we can wait for them to ride off on the Honda and then

pull them.”

“Other things being equal, I’m inclined to watch the place and see what

happens. If they come out, we move in. If we get real lucky, Lockhart

will surface without Adams and we can take her. After that, I’m

figuring we can bait Adams out pretty easy.”

“And if they don’t come out, together or singly?”

“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“I don’t want to lose them again, Connie.”

“It’s not like they can just take off down the beach or swim to

England. Adams went to a lot of trouble to get those wheels. He’s not

going to abandon the bike because he doesn’t have another way to

replace it. Where he goes, that Honda goes. And that Honda ain’t

going anywhere without us seeing it.”

They settled down and waited.


HIS PISTOL RESTING ON HIS BELLY, Lee had spent a few fitful hours on

the couch downstairs. Every few minutes he thought he heard someone

breaking in, and each time it proved to be nothing more than his very

tired imagination doing its best to drive him crazy. Since he couldn’t

sleep, he had finally decided to get ready to leave for

Charlottesville. He grabbed a quick shower and changed his clothes. He

was packing his bag when a soft knock came on his door.

Faith was dressed in a long white robe; her puffy cheeks and

tired-looking eyes were stark testaments to her inability to sleep.

“Where’s Buchanan?” he asked.

“Actually dozing, I think. I never came close.”

“Tell me about it.” He finished packing and closed his bag.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” she asked.

He shook his head. “I don’t want you anywhere near this guy and his

goons if they show up. I got through to Renee last night. First time

I’ve talked to her in I don’t know how long and I have to tell her she

might be the target of some psycho because of something her stupid dad


“How did she take it?”

On this Lee brightened. “Actually, she seemed happy to hear from me. I

didn’t tell her everything that was going on. I didn’t want to panic

her too much, but I think she’s looking forward to seeing me.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’m really happy for you, Lee.”

“The cops at least took my call seriously. Renee said a patrolman came

by and a marked car’s been cruising the area.”

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Categories: Baldacci David