The Rivan Codex by David Eddings

cheering both sides on in their war of mutual extinction

and permitting myself the private luxury of gloating. I

know that gloating is an unattractive thing for a king to

do, but a man needs some vices, after all.

Late in the fall, I received a letter from my good friend,

General Varana, which gave me almost as much pleasure.

The insufferable ass whom the Honeths were touting as

Ran Borune’s successor was neatly poisoned by a Horbite

assassin, may Belar bless him! The Honeths are

confounded, and Ran Borune is almost beside himself with

glee. For once, I wholeheartedly share in the Emperor’s

delight. I think I could almost grow to like that sly little

old fox.

Word has reached us that the strange fellow, Relg, and

the Marag woman Belgarath found in the caves beneath

Rak Cthol have produced their first child, a son. The boy,

we are told, has blue eyes – a fact which for some reason

has sent the Ulgos into a frenzy of celebration. My cousin

Barak tells me that this has something to do with their

religion. I didn’t pursue the matter further, since

questions of religion have always made my head ache. Barak,

incidentally, has shown no further indications that he

plans to turn into a bear on a regular basis. I’m profoundly

grateful for his restraint in this regard. The difference

between Barak and a bear is not really that extensive, but

it’s a bit embarrassing to admit close kinship to something

that really belongs out in the forest.


ISLENA and I spent Erastide with Rhodar and

,Porenn at Boktor and have only just returned to Val

Alorn. Rhodar seems even more mellowed, and he dotes

on his new son, of course. He tells me that his vagrant

nephew, kheldar, has joined forces with one Yarblek, a

Nadrak who appears to be almost as big a thief as himself.

In a brilliant stroke the pair of them have managed to

capture the Nadrak fur market.

Also while we were at Boktor, Cho-Hag sent us the

news that Hettar and Belgarion’s cousin, Adara, had

produced him a grandson. Everyone seems to be having

children lately. One hopes that Belgarion and his little

queen will get into the spirit of things. I know that we’ll all

rest more securely once the line of Riva is perpetuated.

In the kingdoms of the south events, as always, turn

on politics. My cousin Grinne our ambassador at Tol

Honeth, advises me that General Varana, acting as Ran

Borune’s special envoy, has concluded a very

advantageous trade agreement with Sadi, Chief Eunuch at Queen

Salmissra’s court in Sthiss Tor. I’m sure the Empire will

grow richer, but I don’t envy them the pleasure of dealing

with the snake people.

Young King Korodullin, with surprising astuteness,

has appointed Count Reldegen Governor General of

Asturia. I’ve met Reldegen, and he seems to have normal

good sense – which in Arendia makes him an absolute

genius. One can hope that the appointment will ease the

tensions between Mimbre and Asturia – at least to the

point where there is no longer open war on the Arendish


This summer, our young Belgarion and his queen are

making the grand tour, visiting all the capitals of the west.

The move is politically sound, I think. Belgarion has made

no effort to emphasize his title, Overlord of the West, and

it’s probably time to remind a few people that he’s still

there. The advantage of having done nothing, however,

is that he’s made no mistakes and hence no enemies.

Moreover, a great deal of good will for him still exists.

Personal visits will enhance that good will. I look forward

to seeing them. I am particularly interested in Ce’Nedra’s

waist-line. One hopes that she has begun to pick up a bit

of weight. Ten or fifteen pounds on that girl would set my

mind at ease considerably.

The visit of the royal pair was pleasant. Garion

(Belgarion actually – it’s hard to remember the formal

name when you’ve just talked with him) seems to have

matured a bit and to have become more decisive. I suspect

that a part of his retiring nature may have been the result

of Polgara’s presence. That lady can be rather

overpowering at times. I’m sure that the necessity of asserting his

authority over his wife has given his backbone a bit of

steel. Ce’Nedra, alas, remains as slender as a willow.

Just before the winter storms set in, word reached us

from the south that ‘Zakath has captured the Murgo city

of Rak Hagga, a major population center lying perhaps a

thousand leagues to the south of Rak Goska.

* We dropped the apostrophe at the beginning of Zakath’s name,

although it was an indication that ‘Kal’ had been omitted (‘Kal Zakath’

hints around the edges of Zakath’s insanity. Right at first he was at least

as mad as Taur Urgas).


something happens to halt his conquest down there, we may be

obliged to take steps against him. His motives are obscure,

and his army a bit too large for my comfort.


my apprehensions about ‘Zakath appear to have

,.kbeen unfounded. King Urgit of Murgodom, who

appears not to share his late father’s headlong insanity’

cleverly retreated before the advancing Malloreans,

drawing them into the vastness of the great southern forest

lying mainly in the Military District of Corut. There, using

the trees for concealment, Urgit had placed the bulk of the

Murgo army. As ‘Zakath approached Rak Gorut, Urgit fell

upon him and massacred half his army. It is difficult for

me, as I look out at the snow which chokes the streets of

Val Alorn, to adjust myself to the fact that it is summer in

those southern latitudes where Urgit and ‘Zakath contend

with each other across alien landscapes whose harsh

names in the Angarak tongue seem made up of the echoes

of nightmare. I suspect that this is because at heart I am a

simple man and that there lurks within me the unyielding

belief that the world is flat and the seasons everywhere

the same and that the sun rises upon every inch of the

world at the same time. Ah well.

This spring, Ran Borune became gravely ill, though not

even Rhodar’s most clever agents in the palace at Tol

Honeth have been able to determine the precise nature of

his malady. Surprisingly, the old fox retains enough of his

mental faculties to realize that he is no longer able to

conduct the day-to-day business of the Empire. He has

appointed General Varana Imperial Regent, and he

concerns himself only with the most pressing of affairs.

Varana’s participation in the Battle of Thull Mardu has

made him something of a national hero in Tolnedra, so the

Emperor could not have chosen more wisely.

I traveled this summer to Riva for the meeting of the

Alorn Council. Since Torak is dead, our meeting had none

of the urgency which had marked those previous, and the

entire affair was something more in the nature of a social

get-together rather than a council of war. How strange it is

to return to Riva now that peace is finally here. Belgarion

appears to be maturing, growing as it were, into his crown.

I like that young man. If I had a son, I would wish him to

be no different. Perhaps if Islena had not that morbid fear

of childbirth, I might have had such a son. We all gently

jibed at the young King for his failure to produce an heir to

his throne, and our jesting put him, I think, a bit out of

sorts. He is, perhaps, a bit too sensitive about jokes at his

expense, but time will toughen his soul. Belgarath, who

came late, was the same as always, as unchanging as the

very rocks, but Rhodar appears to be declining. He suffers

from shortness of breath and has become dropsical. He can

no longer negotiate stairs, though his mind remains alert.

While we were at Riva, a messenger arrived from

Arendia to inform Belgarion that his close friend Lelldorin

and his Mimbrate bride had just had their first child, a

girl. In the celebration which followed, I managed to get

the somewhat overly sober young monarch roaring drunk.

It’s important to see how a man behaves when he’s drunk,

if you really want to get to know him. Once you get a

gallon or so of good ale into Belgarion, he’s quite a

different young fellow. He sings abominably, however. The

following morning, his suffering was truly pitiable. The

boy obviously needs practice. Social drinking is an

important part of a monarch’s repertory.


WAS greatly saddened early this year to learn of

the sudden death of my friend, Rhodar of Drasnia.

We were brother Alorn monarchs, comrades in arms and

dear personal friends. His sly wisdom, his unfailing good

humor and his true courage made him a rock upon which

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