The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

martial note in my soul! I hear the clash of steel, the

thunder of hooves and the strident call of the battle

trumpet! I imagine the wings of dragons, good and evil,

blotting out the sky. I picture the blasts of powerful

magicks, the gallant charge of the knights!

But forgive me. I have not forgotten that the historian is

a dispassionate reporter of the truth. Such flights of fancy

are for poets, not scholars such as I. I shall try to control

my emotions. Nevertheless, as I relate the exciting story of

a young elven princess who changed the face of Krynn in

a few short weeks – the sharp, dangerous attacks that

baffled her foes, the fast marches across the plains placing

her miles from her supposed location, and of course, her

epic victory at Margaard Ford – I trust that Your

Excellency will forgive an occasional exclamatory aside.

In studies, I will examine the topic primarily from

the viewpoint of the Army of Solamnia. The records of the

dragonarmies were relatively well kept, and have been

researched by many scribes. The campaigns from the

Golden General’s side, on the other hand, have only been

discussed in the histories of the Knights of Solamnia. To

read them, one might think that the contributions of the

good dragons to these battles was merely to fan the

battlefield with their wings, cooling the sweat from the

brows of the hard-riding knights to whom the laurels

really belonged! In my own reports, I shall strive for a

greater degree of objectivity – as befits a proper historian.

I now commence my task in the musty library of the

High Clerist’s Tower at Westgate Pass. Extensive records

from a variety of sources have yielded themselves to my

diligence. Gunthar Uth Wistan’s account, formulated on

the distant island of Ergoth from reports received by that

venerable captain from his knights in the field, proves

surprisingly complete – and accurate. (He does a

remarkable job, Excellency, of separating the wheat from

the chaff as regards the reports received from his

enthusiastic warriors!) The records of the interviews

conducted with the captured dragonarmy general Bakaris

also shed a good light on the campaign. Also, I have been

afforded the aid of a hitherto unknown source: a young

human female named Mellison (no surname, apparently),

self-appointed servant of the general. I have found the

tattered remnants of a diary she kept during the short

period of the campaign (it is amazing in the extreme to

think that this sweeping series of battles lasted a mere

twenty days!).

Mellison had been born and raised in a small village

on the Plains of Solamnia. When the dragons came, her

community was scorched, and her parents slain (or,

perhaps, taken as slaves). Mellison, alone from the

village, managed to escape to the shelter of the High

Clerist’s Tower and, eventually, Palanthas.

I do not know how she met the elf woman who would

become the Golden General – those pages, at the start of

Mellison’s diary, have been destroyed. However, by the

time Laurana had been appointed by Gunthar Uth Wistan,

Grand Master of Solamnia, to command the knights and

the army of Palanthas, the human girl had attached herself

to the elf woman.

Mellison proved very useful to the general, preparing

Laurana’s tent for those nights when the general was able

to steal a few hours’ sleep; and Mellison always fanned a

blaze into light for her mistress’s predawn awakenings.

Though the young woman participated in none of the

battles, her observations of Laurana’s campfire councils

have provided us with key insights into the development

of the campaign.

The first of these discussions occurred on the field

below this very tower, and it is here that Mellison gives us

a picture of Laurana’s council of war. Present were the elf

woman, the two Knights of the Crown – Sirs Patrick and

Markham – who served as her chief lieutenants, and two

unnamed knights of the other orders. Mellison refers to

them, in her childlike hand, as “Lord Sword” and “Sir

Rose.” Gilthanas – Laurana’s brother and proud prince of

the Qualinesti elves – also attended.

(Incidentally, Your Grace, the letters sent by Gilthanas

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Categories: Weis, Margaret