The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

He turned to the gnome, transfixing Kali in an intense

gaze. “I must help her recover, little healer. What can I do

to help?”

Kali stammered and stuttered, but at last instructed the

man Oster in some simple methods of healing, little more

than the applying of cold compresses and the like. Then he

left his two charges alone and fled the house. He needed to

think about what had just transpired and, more

importantly, to confirm his immediate fears concerning

the dragon’s demise.

Kali went from house to house, a long, tedious

business that took most of the rest of the day. This is not

because the gnomish community was large – it was not –

but at every house, a visiting gnome must make pleasant

conversation, have tea, report on any recent findings, have

some more tea, look at the host’s latest researches, make

more pleasant conversations, and so forth, before pressing

on. Kali hoped he was not offending others by refusing a

third helping of tea, but after the sixth house he was

beginning to slosh as he walked.

At the seventh house, the one belonging to

Archimedorastimor the Lesser, son of Archimedorastimor

the Greater (and the Later), Kali found the answer he

feared. The Archimedorastimors (father and son) had both

been involved with astronomy and had long been

wondering what to do with their time when it was overcast

or daylight. While most gnomes in the field simply

attempted to build large towers to get above the clouds

and beyond the sun, the Archimedorastimors (Archies for

short) instead came up with the novel idea of firing their

telescopes from large catapults to get above the clouds and

the sun. Other gnomes scoffed at the foolishness of the

theory and went back to building towers. But Archie

father and son went on experimenting until the time, three

years ago, when Archie father built an explosive catapult

and launched his entire laboratory into the air, from

whence it never came down. Archie, son of Archie, had

since continued his father’s research, but (save for creating

a combination parachute and pillow) had added little to the

science. Occasionally, however, he managed to launch a

large rock that would fall down on a building or three.

In any event, it was at the seventh house that Kali

found the answer he was dreading. Yes, five days back

Archie had been out in the field experimenting with a new

astronomical catapult, and from that testing he had just

returned. The experiment had been a failure because

something large and lumbering had gotten in the way at

the last moment. The large and lumbering something

sounded to Kali suspiciously dragonlike. When he

proposed this theory, Archie did admit that the lumbering

something was more than a little reptilian in appearance.

Further, it made a sudden and steep dive after it flew into

his rock. Kali took tea and made small conversation for

the rest of the afternoon, adjuring Archie not to mention

the details of this experiment to the new outsiders – Oster

and the warrior-woman. Archie promised and also said he

would be by later to surrender when he had finished his


Kali, having resolved the first problem, now turned to

the second. The warrior-woman was a Dragon Highlord

(whatever that was), and had taken Oster as a prisoner – in

a mean fashion at that. The Highlord’s armor, which Kali

had hidden in a back room, apparently had concealed the

fact that she was a woman. Oster was now smitten (as

only humans can be smitten) with her in her true

appearance. When the woman awakened again, Kali

figured, she would probably be mean to Oster again.

Oster would be hurt that this radiant creature was not only

not named Columbine, but was also the individual that

was so mean to him before.

That would make TWO people that the gnomes had

surrendered to unhappy.

That would not do at all.

When Kali returned to his house, he found that the

man Oster had gathered some wildflowers and placed

them in a vase by the woman’s sickbed. Kali decided the

man had not been addled by the fall after all. From the

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Categories: Weis, Margaret