The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

leapt forward, lunging with a straight sword blow toward

Oster’s chest. The Clockwork Hero brought his own blade

up quickly and parried the lunge, tossing his helmet at the

Highlord. She dodged, but the bronze helm grazed her

head, disorienting her for a moment. Oster used the

moment to draw back into the room, waving to Kali and

Eton to move away.

Kali and Eton scurried to the fireplace, which was

graced by a number of Eton’s new plow-share-shovels.

These fireplace tools had a graceful sweep of metal

welded to the base, making them useless for scooping

ashes, but excellent for small gardening tasks and fair for

bashing. The pair edged around the perimeter of the battle.

Kali had heard that kender could merge into the stone

itself and move without leaving a shadow. He desperately

wished for that ability now.

Oster’s attention was riveted on the dark-armored

form before him. Kali expected the Highlord to taunt,

laugh, snarl, and behave in the way of all good bad people

when confronted with virtue, but the Highlord kept her

input to a few growls of the mid-gear type. She lunged

forward in a flurry of blows, lunges, and backswings.

Oster parried them easily, and drove her back with a swing

to the mid-section, a swipe to the head. What he lacked in

form, he made up in force, and the Highlord was staggered

when one of Oster’s strong lunges caught her in the left


They fought for a minute, two minutes, an eternity of

three. The Highlord never lost track of the two gnomes

(learning from her experience), and avoided all their

attempts to get behind her. The two main combatants

made quick work of most of Kali’s living room furniture –

every breakable was introduced to the dangers of being

inadvertently close to clashing steel. The Highlord would

charge, locking steel with Oster. The pair would stagger

against each other in a few deadly dance steps, then one or

the other would be flung backward, usually just far

enough to reduce some other furnishing to its component

parts. Lunge, the clash of locked blades, the stagger, the

destruction of a chair. Lunge, lock, stagger, writing desk.

Lunge, lock, stagger, spoon collection.

Sweat was now running down Oster’s face in rivulets,

but his eyes burned with fury. The battle had run long

now, and Kali knew that all their deaths were long

overdue. A bud of insight blossomed within his skull, and

he suddenly understood why the Highlord had not made

quick work of all of them. While Oster had been in

training as the local hero of the gnomes, the Highlord had

been under an enforced and extended rest for six months.

While the Highlord was sufficiently powerful to make

short work of a pair of gnomes, or a surprised cleric

expecting a demure young lady, she was having more

trouble with someone trained for combat.

The length of the battle was telling on the Highlord.

Blood leaked between the epaulets of her wounded upper

arm, forming a deadly calligraphy on her armor. Even Kali

could see she was favoring that arm, and Oster pressed his

advantage, driving her back, step by step, to the bedroom


Kali’s eyes took in the battle, but his mind whirled

with options, all of them bad. At first it seemed to him that

Oster would surely perish under the attack, which was

good in that at least he would die without finding out his

ladylove was his murderer, but bad considering that said

murderer would probably avenge herself on the rest of the

community. Now it looked like Oster would be victorious,

which would be equally disastrous, for once he discovered

the Highlord was his Columbine, he would perish just as

surely of a broken heart, if not busted ribs.

Kali chewed on his beard, fidgeted, raised his

weapon, fidgeted again. Eton was a statue next to him,

working out his own thoughts, or perhaps preparing

himself for the afterlife. The pair were enraptured by the

deadly ballet played out before them.

Oster was now beating the Highlord’s attacks easily,

reducing her to weak parries and dodges. The two locked

blades again (Kali made a mental check to see if there was

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Categories: Weis, Margaret