The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

1 mean to liberate it. As to the river, I want this entire

army across it within a week.”

“BEYOND the Vingaard?” Patrick was shocked, but

his eyes measured the elf woman with surprise and new

appraisal. “Into the heart of the dragonrealms?”

“The dragonarmies will meet us there, in force,”

Markham said cautiously. “Do you intend to draw them

into a battle? Destroy them on the field?”

“That will be an historic moment!” Lord Sword

declared, his face flushing and his long mustaches bobbing

at the prospect. A fierce light entered his eyes. “To drive

our lances into the faces of those beasts, for once – instead

of merely standing our ground!”

Laurana smiled, too, but it was a grim expression to

Mellison. She thought it made the elf woman look much

older. “Yes – I will draw them into battle. The first of

many. Once we’ve crossed the river, I don’t intend to rest

until we reach the gates of Kalaman!”

“Kalaman!” Sir Rose sputtered so much that his

mustaches floated out from his mouth. They all knew that

the distant city was in desperate straits, following a long

winter of isolation and siege. Still, hundreds of miles of

enemy territory lay between themselves and Kalaman.

“You’re mad!” barked Patrick.

Laurana allowed the insult to pass, but this time her

brother stepped forward. “The good dragons give us a

striking force that you knights can’t begin to imagine!”

countered the tall elf. “We cannot waste them!”

“What about Dargaard?” asked Markham, turning to

Laurana. “That’s a powerful bastion across your path – the

Dark Lady is there in force, together with the dragons of

her Blue Wing. The ogres of Throtl are supported by green

dragons, and they’re certain to mass against your south


“I intend to ignore Dargaard, for the time being. The

ogres we’ll meet, and defeat.”

“They’ll have the Green Wing to support them. And

Emperor Ariakus has sent the Red Wing from Neraka as a

reinforcement. Too, we don’t have any idea where the

reserve army has gone,” argued Sir Rose.

“We have dragonlances,” cried Gilthanas. “We can

meet these serpents in the skies, finally, and defeat them!”

“The weapon, so far, has only proven itself in the

closed confines of the tower!” Patrick growled back.

“That is true,” Laurana agreed. “But I don’t intend to

fight all the dragons at once. That’s why it’s so important

that we MOVE!”

“But a major river crossing!” objected Patrick. “You

can’t imagine the difficulties! And if we’re caught with the

army divided – ”

“Our dragons will screen the crossing. And I intend to

reach the Vingaard too quickly for anything but a token

force to stand in our way.”

“But there’s the fortress itself – Vingaard Keep has a

massive garrison!” persisted Patrick. “Anywhere we cross

puts us in easy reach of a counterattack!”

“That brings me to the next part of the plan,” Laurana

announced, pausing to make sure she had the attention of

all the men. “Vingaard will be liberated – TOMORROW.”

The knights, to a man, stared at the general in

amazement. All knew that Vingaard Keep was three days’

ride by horse.

At this point, the Council’s voices grew hushed and

confidential, so the rest of the conversation is lost to

Mellison’s diary – and to history. The results of this

historic and clandestine conversation are known.

The following dawn, the skies over the High Clerist’s

Tower were filled with dragons – their metallic colors

dappling the ground with moving reflections of the

brilliant sunrise. Laurana, astride the huge gold dragon

Quallathon, led the way. A wing of griffon cavalry,

mounted with elven bowmen and lancers – lately arrived

from Southern Ergoth – flew beside the great serpents.

Altogether, two hundred of the half-hawk, half-lion beasts

accompanied an equal number of dragons soaring

southeast toward Vingaard – eighty miles away across the

flat plain. Their bodies blackened the sky.

At the same time, the army moved out. Led by the

knights on horseback, accompanied by the blue-garbed

troops of Palanthas and a large and growing force of

irregulars recruited from Solamnia and Ergoth, the

soldiers of Laurana’s command marched to the northeast.

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Categories: Weis, Margaret