The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

story, so I’ll tell you about it, in case you’ve forgotten from

the last time I was there.1 The Hot Springs mixing with the

water of the Cool Lake makes fog so thick that it’s hard to

see your topknot in front of your nose. No one used to

know where this Vale was, a long time ago, except Silvara

and the other silver dragons, who guarded Huma’s Tomb,

the final resting place of a truly great knight from long,

long ago. His tomb is there, only he isn’t.

At the north end of Foghaven Vale stands Silver

Dragon Mountain. You can get into the mountain through

a secret tunnel inside Huma’s Tomb. I know, because I

accidentally fell into it and got sucked up the statue

dragon’s windpipe. That’s where I found Fizban after he

was dead, only he wasn’t.

And it was in this mountain that Theros Ironfeld

forged the dragonlances. And that’s why it’s a Monument.

Every year at Yuletime the knights come to the Silver

1 Dragons OF WINTER NIGHT, Dragonlance Chronicles, Volume 2. Available in the Library

at Palanthas, which is a very nice city to visit, especially since they’ve cleaned up after the

dragons. The library is one block south and two east of the jail. You can’t miss it.

Dragon Mountain and Huma’s Tomb and they sing songs of Huma

and of Sturm Brightblade – a very good friend of mine!

They “tell tales of glory by day, and spend the night on

their knees in prayer before Huma’s stone bier.” Those

quotes are from Tanis.

I knew about this, but I’d never been invited to come

before, probably because I’m not a knight. (Though I

would really like to be, someday. I know a story about a

half-kender who was almost a knight. Have you heard it?

Oh, all right.) I guess I was invited this year because this

year was special, being the tenth anniversary of Something

that I couldn’t read for the blot. But I didn’t care what it

was, as long as there was to be a big party in honor of it.

I was traipsing through the fog of Foghaven Vale,

wondering where I was (I had wandered off the path),

when I heard voices. Naturally, I stopped to listen and

while stopping to listen I may have sneaked behind a tree.

(This is not snooping. It is called “caution” and caution is

conducive to a long life. Something Tanis is very big on.

I’ll explain later.)

This is what I heard the voice say.

“‘The tenth anniversary is to be a reverent, solemn,

holy time of rededication for all good and righteous people

of Krynn.'” It was Tanis! I was sure it was his voice, only

he was talking in a Lord Gunthar-kind of tone. Then Tanis

said in his own voice, “Crap. It’s all a lot of crap.”

“What? – ” said another voice, and I knew that voice

was Caramon’s, and he sounded the same dear old

confused Caramon as always. I couldn’t believe my luck.

‘Tanis, my dear,” came a woman’s voice and it was

Laurana! I knew that because she’s the only one who ever

calls Tanis my DEAR. “Don’t talk so loudly.”

“But what? – ” That was Caramon again.

“No one can hear me,” said Tanis, interrupting. He

sounded really irritated and in a Bad Mood. “This damn

fog muffles everything. The truth is that the knights are

having political problems at home. That draconian raid on

Throtl touched off a riot in Palanthas. People think the

knights should go into the mountains and wipe out the

draconians and the goblins and anything else that doesn’t

wipe them out first. It’s all the fault of this new group of

boneheads who say we should go back to the golden days

of the Kingpriest!”

“But doesn’t Lady Crysania – ” Caramon tried again.

“Oh, she reminds people of the truth,” Tanis told him.

“And I think most understand. But the fanatics are gaining

converts, especially when the refugees come forward and

tell their tales of Throtl in flames and goblins killing

babies. What no one seems to realize is that the knights

couldn’t possibly raise an army large enough to go into the

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Categories: Weis, Margaret