The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

to his brother Porthios provide us an additional primary

source on this campaign, especially as it was seen from an

elven point of view.)

Of course, the context of the meeting is well known:

the dragonarmy known as the Blue Wing had been blunted

(but not destroyed) in the Battle of the High Clerist’s

Tower. These troops, under the command of the Dark

Lady – the Highlord Kitiara – and her general, Bakaris, had

fallen back upon Dargaard Keep, where they represented a

significant threat. The good dragons had arrived here

following that battle, on the day preceding Laurana’s

council of war. These mighty serpents, of gold and silver,

brass, copper and bronze, had at last ended their exile

from the war. Brought to Palanthas by Gilthanas and the

great silver dragon called Silvara, they were anxious to

exact vengeance against their evil cousins.

Though the numbers of dragons and troops in

Laurana’s force equaled a mere fraction of the total evil

forces, she had the advantage of concentration – all of her

forces were here, in the pass, while those of the enemy –

the Red Wing, portions of the Green and White Wings,

and the remnants of the Blue Wing – were scattered over

Solamnia from Vingaard and Caergoth to Kalaman and

Neraka. Also, a huge reserve army under the command of

Emperor Ariakus himself had spent the winter encamped

in Sanction. Recent rumors placed the dragonarmy on the

march, however, though Laurana and her captains had no

idea of its location or destination.

The time was night, a council fire flared high. Mellison

reports that its light was reflected in gold and silver

gleams from the massive dragons crouched just beyond

the human commanders.

“We can hold them here forever!” stated Sir Rose,

opening the council. “With the dragons and the men of

Palanthas to back us up, the knights will form an

unbreakable wall!”

“Hold them, indeed,” agreed Sir Patrick. “If they dare

to attack again, we’ll butcher them to the last scale-faced

draconian! Don’t you agree, general?” Grudgingly he

turned to Laurana for confirmation. Of the Crown

Knights, he had been most reluctant to accept her

leadership – yet the orders of Gunthar Uth Wistan had thus

far proven sufficient to steel him to his duty.

“I have no intention of holding them here, or

anywhere!” declared Laurana, with that shake of her head

that set her golden hair flowing about her shoulders.

“What is your plan?” inquired Markham, with his

easy grin that somewhat lightened the tension.

“We attack.” Laurana spoke the two words, and then

paused to fix her eyes on each of her listeners. She seemed

to grow in stature as the firelight flared across her fair

skin, her almond-shaped eyes. “The Army of Solamnia

will advance under the wings of the good dragons, seek

out the dragonarmies, and destroy them!”

“Leave the pass unguarded?” sputtered Sir Rose.

“After this great victory, you risk throwing everything …

the lives, the – ”

Laurana’s reply was sharp and bitter. “I know very

well the cost in lives!” she snapped with enough force to

shut the mouth of the grizzled veteran. For a moment she

closed her eyes. Mellison saw the sharp pain of memory

etched across Laurana’s face. Gilthanas placed a

comforting hand on his sister’s arm, but she shrugged it

away. She took a breath and continued.

“Nothing could be more wasteful of those lives than

for us to cower here, behind these walls, and give the

dragonarmies time to concentrate their scattered forces.

No, my captains, we won’t wait for them to act. It is time

this war came back against those who began it!”

“Where do we go, then?” inquired Sir Rose. “Do we

advance south, toward Solanthus? Or eastward, to threaten

the occupation forces at Vingaard? Both of these courses

allow us this fortress as a base. Too, they keep the

Vingaard River as a strong barrier between us and the bulk

of the enemy – the option to fall back in the event of . . .”

He did not complete his speculation; something in the

general’s eyes silenced him.

“Vingaard,” Laurana announced. “But not as a threat –

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Categories: Weis, Margaret