The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

“Drat!” said Fizban, waving his arms. “Get out of my

way! Can’t see a confounded thing. What’s the meaning of

this? No respect for the aged! Absolutely none at all.”

He stood there waving his arms and shouting at the

fog. I watched a while as best I could for not being able to

see him all that well. But it seemed to me that the more he

shouted the thicker the fog got – sort of an “I’ll Show You,

Old Man!” type of reaction. And my topknot was soaking

wet and dripping water down the back of my shirt, and my

shoes were slowly filling up with oozing muck – all of

which was very entertaining for a while, but soon lost a lot

of its charm.

“Fizban,” I said, going up to tug on his sleeve.

I guess I startled him, coming up on him suddenly out

of the fog like that.

At any rate, he apologized very handsomely for

hitting me on the nose with his staff and helped pick me

up out of the muck and patted my head until it quit

ringing. And we thought at first my nose was broken, then

decided it wasn’t and when the bleeding stopped, we

started on our way again.

We walked and we walked. Finally, Fizban said he

thought the fog had let up considerably. The result, he

said, of a marvelous spell he’d cast on it. I didn’t think it

was polite to contradict him and besides I could almost

sort of see the grass under my feet if I bent down and

looked for it, so I figured he must be right. But we slowed

our pace quite a bit, especially after Fizban walked BLAM

into the tree.

It was either right before or right after he set the tree

on fire that we came to Huma’s Tomb.

It was daylight now. (We’d spent the night getting

here.) The fog lifted just enough for us to see where we

were, which I thought was quite sneaky of the fog. Almost

like it was laughing at us.

I must tell you I was somewhat disappointed to see

Huma’s Tomb again. Not that it isn’t a wonderful place. It

is. Huma’s Tomb, for those who haven’t made the

pilgrimage there, is really a temple. It is rectangular in

shape and made out of black rock that Flint called

obsidian. The outside is carved all over with knights

fighting dragons and it is a very solemn and reverent


Inside is Huma’s bier where they laid his body to rest.

And his shield and sword are still there, but his body isn’t.

The Tomb is sad because it makes you think about your

life and how you wish you’d done things better. But it’s a

good kind of sad because you realize that there’s still the

rest of your life for you to change and make better.

That was how I felt when I FIRST saw Huma’s Tomb,

but now maybe all the fog was making it look different.

All I felt now was the kind of sad that doesn’t make you

feel good inside.

“Ah, ha I” Fizban shouted. “I know where I am.”

“Huma’s Tomb,” I said.

“No!” He was thunderstruck. “Didn’t we just leave


“Yes. We must have been walking in circles. Maybe

I’ll go say good-bye to Flint, while I’m here,” I said, and

started to climb the stairs.

“No, no,” Fizban said quickly, grabbing hold of me.

“They’re not there. All gone inside the Silver Dragon

Mountain. Silvara’s taken them to the magical pool of

dragonmetal, used to forge the magical dragonlances.

Come along. We have other fish to fry.”

Well, I had to admit that the temple did look dark and

deserted now. And fried fish sounded good. So we set out.

We hadn’t taken two steps before the fog came back,

only this time it was mixed with smoke from the

smoldering tree and I couldn’t see the grass beneath my

feet. I couldn’t see my feet.

We walked and walked and walked and stopped and

rested and ate dinner. We began to walk again and Fizban

told me what a marvelous tracker he was, much better than

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Categories: Weis, Margaret