The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret


Most of the soldiers in the encampment were human,

with deep-set eyes and cruel mouths. There were a number

of draconians as well, dressed in leather armor similar to

that of the human soldiers. Short, stubby wings sprouted

from the draconians’ backs, as leathery as a bat’s, but they

seemed to flutter uselessly as the draconians stalked across

the ground on clawed, unbooted feet.

“This doesn’t look like one of the friendlier audiences

you’ve ever had to hawk potions to,” Grimm noted as the

wagon rolled into the center of the encampment.

Jastom had played to dangerous audiences before,

unruly crowds of ruffians who were more interested in

breaking bones than in buying magical potions. But he had

won even these over in the end.

A gleam touched Jastom’s blue eyes. “No, but they

ARE an audience all the same, aren’t they?” he said softly,

glad for the dwarf’s reminder. “Let’s not forget that,

Grimm. They think we’re healers. And as long as they

keep thinking that, we’ll keep our heads attached to our

necks.” There was only one rule to remember when

hawking to a nasty crowd:

never show fear.

Jastom shook the wrinkles out of his cape and cocked

his feathered cap at an outrageous angle. “You there,” he

called out to a man in the crowd, donning a charming

smile as easily as another man might don a hat. “Might I

ask you a question? How did – ”

The lieutenant whirled his jet black mount sharply and

rode beside the wagon. “If you have questions, healer,

address them to me.” Durm’s voice was a sword’s edge

draped with a silken cloth.

“You – You have so many soldiers in this camp,”

Jastom gulped, doing his best to sound as if he were

simply making casual conversation. “How did they come

to be here?”

A faint smile touched Durm’s lips, but it was not an

expression of mirth. Jastom fought the urge to shiver.

“What tales do the knights tell in Solamnia?” Durm asked.

“That they swept the dragonarmies from the face of

Krynn? Well, as you can see, they have not. I will grant

the Whitestone armies this – they have won an important

battle. But if the Knights of Solamnia believe this war is

truly over, then they are as foolish as the tales tell them to

be.” Durm gestured to the camp about them as he rode. A

line of soldiers, holding their swords at ready, marched by

in formation, saluting Durm as they passed.

“In truth, this is but a small outpost,” Durm went on.

“Far more of our forces lie to the east. All the lands

between this place and the Khalkist Mountains belong to

the Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy. And the other

dragonarmies hold still more lands, to the north and east.

Already the Dark Lady – my Highlord and master – draws

her plans for a counterstrike against the knights. It will be

a glorious battle.” For the first time Jastom thought he saw

a flash of color in Durm’s pale eyes.

“So do not despair, Jastom Mosswine, that the Dragon

Highlord now owns you,” Durm went on in his polite,

chilling tone. “Soon she will own all of Ansalon.”

Jastom started to ask another question, but Durm held

up a hand, silencing him. They came to halt before a tent

so large it might more properly be called a pavilion. A

banner flew from its highest pole, a blue dragon rampant

across a field of black. Two soldiers stood at the tent’s

entrance, hands on the hilts of their swords.

An ancient-looking cottonwood tree spread its heavy,

gnarled limbs above the tent. A half-dozen queer-looking

objects dangled from several of the branches. Some

seemed to be no more than large, tattered backpacks, but a

few of them had a shape that seemed vaguely familiar to

Jastom. Suddenly a faint breeze ruffled through the tree’s

green leaves, and the dangling bundles began to spin on

their ropes. Several pale, bloated circles came into view.


Jastom quickly averted his eyes, slapping a hand to

his mouth to keep from spilling his guts. Those weren’t

bundles hanging in the tree. They were people. Each

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Categories: Weis, Margaret