The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

prepared to initiate a cruel inquisition, but Kali recognized

that these were merely his fellow inventors. The devices

were hastily-assembled inventions that would straighten a

leg, lance an infection, or immobilize a thrashing patient

(the last invention was a necessity for experimental

surgery). The gleam that seemed so evil was only the

heartfelt and honest lust that every gnome feels when one

of his inventions might prove useful.

To an outsider, though, the gleam would look

undoubtedly and understandably malicious, and the size

and number of sharp edges on the devices would tend to

intensify said doubt. Were the two outsiders healthy, they

would not walk into this apparently dangerous realm

without at least a dozen more of their kind, and with a

healthy reward promised on the other side.

Kali was dragging the large, plumper figure onto his

porch when he found his way blocked. The first outsider,

the armored one, had awakened and now stood tottering in

the doorway. She looked dangerous and tall, and while the

last word could be attributed to all humans by all gnomes,

this one looked taller still, swaying in her blood-colored

leather boots like an improperly planted pine in the first

windstorm of spring. The impressive nature of this

outsider was further enhanced by the mass of her armor,

and the great horns that rose from her helm like the

misplaced pincers of some irate beetle.

The gathered gnomes set up a sigh of disappointment.

Apparently, her injuries were not serious.

The woman unlatched the toggles on her helmet and

removed it, revealing a sharp, angry face cradled in a scarf

of blood-red hair. Swaying as though the ground were on

unsteady terms with her, she scowled, then bellowed in a

wavering voice, “You are all to surrender or – ”

She did not provide another option, for the weight of

her words unbalanced her and she crumbled neatly in the

doorway. It was obvious to all that she had suffered

greater damage than initially thought. She needed help.

The gathered gnomes were ecstatic.

The pair of humans – armored and unarmored, female

and male, soldier and well . . . the male was dressed like a

merchant, mage, or alchemist – rested in Kali’s house for

five feverish days. Neither was strong enough to wake,

take food, or make demands. The man-merchant slept the

dreamless sleep of the dead, while the woman-warrior

shuddered with fits that brought her half-waking into the

pain of this world. During this time, Kali was forced to

convince more than one of his gnomish compatriots that a

newly invented device – such as the one to bore a small

hole in the forehead to witness their dreams – was

unnecessary, and proceeded to work his own craft upon

them. Kali’s craft was healing, and he was quite good at

it… as gnomes go.

On the morning of the sixth day, Kali awoke to find

the tip of a sword at his throat. This was a surprise

because he normally kept such things as swords in a large

glass case marked “SWORDS” in the other room. Not

surprisingly, given the location of the sword, the woman-

warrior was at the opposite end. Kali had restrained the

pair in their sleep, so they would not hurt themselves in a

violent dream, but he had made their shackles of loose


Too loose.

“Surrender or die,” she hissed.

Kali gave careful (and rapid) thought to his options,

and asked her what she wanted for breakfast.

The news of Kali’s surrender to the awakened outsider

moved through the village like the fiery results of a failed

chemical experiment.

(In Gnome Stories the outsider always declares [him-

or] herself master of the land, and the gnomes always

agree. Some uncharitable souls say this is because the

gnomes are stalling while they gleefully plan their

revenge. In reality, gnome tribes are truly interested in

learning as much as possible from newcomers, and will

try to make them happy. If surrendering is what the

outsider wants, it is a small price to pay as long as the

outsider remains. So it was in this case.)

Soon, a horde of short but passionate individuals

queued up outside Kali’s house, each seeking to surrender

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Categories: Weis, Margaret