The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

well) onto the back of the saddle. Suddenly the pack

bounced loose and came off in my hand. I would have said

something to him then, but he was talking again and it

wouldn’t have been polite to interrupt. So I took the pack

and stepped back behind the tree and looked inside it to

see if it was really his and not someone else’s by mistake.

“But the knights won’t do anything except wallow in

the past,” Tanis was saying. “Mark my words. Have you

heard that latest song they’ve made up about Sturm? Some

minstrel sang it for us the other night, before we left. I

laughed out loud.”

“You deeply offended him,” said Laurana. “He

wouldn’t even stay the night. And there was no need to

follow him out to the gate, yelling at him.”

“I told him to sing the truth next time. Sturm

Brightblade wasn’t a paragon of virtue and courage. He

was a man and he had the same fears and faults as the rest

of us. Sing about that!”

Tanis sneezed again. “Blast this damp! The cold eats

into the bone. And we’ll be spending the night on our

knees in a mouldy old tomb. Where the blazes did I put

my handker – ”

Well, of course, it was in his pack.

“Is this it, Tanis? You dropped it,” I said, coming out

of the fog.

Once they were over being amazed, they were all very

happy to see me. Laurana hugged me (she is so beautiful!)

and they asked me where I was going and I told them and

then they didn’t look so happy.

“You were supposed to invite him to come,” said


(She either said that or “You WEREN’T supposed to

invite him to come.” I wasn’t certain. She was talking so

softly I had to strain my ears to hear.)

“I didn’t,” said Tanis, and he glared at Caramon.

“Not me!” said the big man emphatically.

“Oh, don’t worry,” I said, not wanting them to feel bad

that they’d each forgotten to invite me. “I have my own

invitation. It found me, so to speak.” And I held it up.

They all stared at it and looked so amazed and

astonished that I thought I better not say who had sent it to

me. Like I said, Tanis always groans whenever I mention


Tanis said something in a low voice to Caramon that

sounded like, “It will only make things worse if we try to

get rid of him . . . follow us … this way, keep an eye on


I wondered who it was they were talking about.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked. “Who’d follow

you? Keep an eye on who?”

“I’ll give you three guesses,” Tanis growled, holding

out his hand to me and pulling me up to ride behind him.

Well, I spent the rest of the trip to the Silver Dragon

Mountain guessing, but Tanis said I never got it right.


“I asked you not to bring the kender,” said Lord


He thought he was talking in a low voice, but I heard

him. I looked around, wondering where this other kender

was that they were talking about.

I knew it couldn’t be me, because I’m one of the

Heroes of the Lance.

We were standing in the Upper Gallery that is inside

the Silver Dragon Mountain. It is a large room with

dragonlances all around one end and it is meant for formal

celebrations like this one. We were all of us dressed in our

very best clothes because, as Tanis said, this was a

reverent and solemn occasion. (I was wearing my new

purple leggings with the red fringe that Tika sewed for me

and my buckskin shirt with the yellow and orange and

green bead work that was a gift from Goldmoon.)

There were lots of knights in their shining armor and

Caramon (Tika was home with the babies) and Laurana

were there and some other people I didn’t know. Lady

Crysania was expected any minute. It was very exciting,

and I wasn’t the least bored, or I wouldn’t have been if I

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Categories: Weis, Margaret