Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

‘My dad says he’s too young to do a good job.’

‘Izzat so!’

‘The Emperor sent him here to get him out of the way.’

‘Sez who?’

‘Sez my brother! He’s been bribing guards here all his life and never had any

trouble till the Prince came. Him and his whores and his Hell Hounds.’

‘They’re going to change everything. Ask Hakiem … Hakiem?’

The urchins turned to their chosen mentor, but Hakiem had long since departed

with his new wealth for the cool depths of a tavern.


‘As you already know, you five men have been chosen to remain with me here in

Sanctuary after the balance of the honour guard returns to the capital.’

Prince Kadakithis paused to look each man in the face before he continued.

Zaibar, Bourne, Quag, Razkuli, and Arman. Each of them a seasoned veteran, they

doubtless knew their work better than the Prince knew his. Kadakithis’s royal

upbringing came to his rescue, helping him to hide his nervousness as he met

their gazes steadily.

‘As soon as the ceremonies are completed tomorrow, I will be swamped with

problems in clearing up the backlog of cases in the civil court. Realizing that,

1 thought it best to give you our briefing and assignments now, so that you will

be able to proceed without the delay of waiting for specific instructions.’

He beckoned the men forward, and they gathered around the map of Sanctuary hung

on the wall.

‘Zaibar and I have done some preliminary scouting of the town. Though this

briefing should familiarize you with the basic lay of the land, you should each

do your own exploring and report any new observations to each other. Zaibar?’

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Categories: Asprin, Robert