Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

‘I know who One-Thumb is!’ Jubal snapped. ‘I also know he’s never refused

service to any of my men as long as they had gold and their manners were good.

If he moved against two of mine, it was because of their own actions, not

because he has ill feelings towards me. Next item.’

Saliman hesitated to reorganize his thoughts, then continued.

‘Increased pressure from the prince’s Hell Hounds has closed the wharves to the

smugglers. It is rumoured they will be forced to land their goods at the Swamp

of Night Secrets as they did in the old days.’

‘An inconvenience which will doubtless drive their prices up,’ Jubal mused. ‘How

well guarded are their landings?’

‘It is not known.’

‘Look into it. If there’s a chance we can intercept a few shipments in the

Swamp, there’ll be no reason to pay their inflated prices at the bazaar.’

‘But if the smugglers lose shipments, they will raise their prices all the more

to recover the loss.’

‘Of course.’ Jubal smiled. ‘Which means when we sell the stolen goods, we will

be able to charge higher prices and still undercut the smugglers.’

‘We shall investigate the possibility. But -‘

‘But what?’ Jubal inquired, studying his lieutenant’s face. ‘Out with it, man.

Something’s bothering you about my plan, and I want to know what it is.’

‘I fear we might encounter difficulty with the Hell Hounds,’ Saliman blurted.

‘If they have also heard rumours of the new landing sites, they might plan an

ambush of their own. Taking a shipment away from smugglers is one thing, but

trying to take confiscated evidence away from the Hell Hounds … I’m not sure

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Categories: Asprin, Robert