Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

Torchholder will build and consecrate it. Then can the degenerates and warlocks

be scourged out of Sanctuary. Afterwards the Prince-Governor can handle common


Cappen didn’t expect matters would be that simple. He got no chance to say so,

for Jamie asked at once, ‘Is this wise, milady? True, many a soul hereabouts

worships foreign gods, or none. But many still adore the old gods of Ilsig. They

look on your, uh, Savankala as an intruder. I intend no offence, but they do.

They’re outraged that he’s to have a bigger and grander house than Ils of the

Thousand Eyes. Some fear what Ils may do about it.’

‘I know,’ Danlis said. ‘I regret any distress caused, and I’m sure Lord Molin

does too. Still, we must overcome the agents of darkness, before the disease

that they are spreads throughout the Empire.’

‘Oh, no,’ Cappen managed to insert, ‘I’ve lived here awhile, \ mostly down in

the Maze. I’ve had to do with a good many so-called magicians, of either sex or

in between. They aren’t that bad. Most I’d call pitiful. They just use their

little deceptions to scrabble out what living they can, in this crumbly town

where life has trapped them.’

Danlis gave him a sharp glance. ‘You’ve told me people think ill of sorcery in

Caronne,’ she said.

‘They do,’ he admitted. ‘But that’s because we incline to be rationalists, who

consider nearly all magic a bag of tricks. Which is true. Why, I’ve learned a

few sleights myself.’

‘You have?’ Jamie rumbled in surprise.

‘For amusement,’ Cappen said hastily, before Danlis could disapprove. ‘Some are

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Categories: Asprin, Robert