Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

only men, and all men have weaknesses.’

He lapsed into thoughtful silence for several moments.

‘Withdraw a thousand gold pieces from the treasury,’ he ordered at last.

‘Distribute it to the men to spread around town, particularly to those working

in the governor’s palace. In exchange, I want information about the Hell Hounds,

individually and collectively. Listen especially for word of dissent within

their own ranks … anything that could be used to turn them against each


‘It shall be done.’ Saliman responded, bowing slightly. ‘Do you also wish a

magical investigation commissioned?’

Jubal hesitated. He had a warrior’s dread of magicians and avoided them whenever

possible. Still, if the Hell Hounds constituted a large enough threat…

‘Use the money for normal informants,’ he decided. ‘If it becomes necessary to

hire a magician, then I will personally -‘

A sudden commotion at the chamber’s entry-way drew the attention of both men.

Two blue-masked figures appeared, dragging a third between them. Despite their

masks, Jubal recognized them as Mor-Am and Moria, a brother-and-sister team of

sell-swords in his employment. Their apparent captive was an urchin, garbed in

the dirty rags common to Sanctuary’s street children. He couldn’t have been more

than ten years of age, but the sizzling vindictives he screeched as he struggled

against his captors marked him as one knowledgeable beyond his years.

‘We caught this gutter-rat on the grounds,’ Mor-Am announced, ignoring the boy’s


‘Probably out to steal something,’ his sister added.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert