Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

crowd. ‘I ought to be! I begged the privilege of writing the authorization for

his execution in my own hand, and I thought I might include mention of my

parents, my friends, the villagers he slaughtered or enslaved, but my formal

Rankene isn’t good enough, so I had to make do copying a draft by Melilot!’ She

tossed her head. ‘And I hoped to stand up in open court, swear to what he did,

watch the faces of the people change as they realized what a filthy villain came

hither disguised as an imperial officer … They said there was no need for any

other evidence after Aye-Gophlan’s and Melilot’s and the prince’s.’

‘To speak after princes is a dangerous habit,’ opined the wizard. ‘But at all

events, it appears to have dawned on you that revenge is never what you hope

for. Take my own case. He who did to me what you know of was so determined to

wreak his vengeance that he created one spell more than he could handle. To each

he was obliged to cede a certain portion of his will; for as I told you, spells

have no aim or purpose of their own. He thereby deprived himself of ordinary

sense, and to his death sat blubbering and moaning like an infant.’

‘Why do you tell me this?’ cried Jarveena. ‘I want to make the most of my moment

of satisfaction, even if it can’t be as rich and memorable as I dreamed.’

‘Because,’ said the wizard, taking her arm by fingers whose touch evoked

extraordinary thrills all over her, ‘you paid a fair and honest price for the

service I undertook. I shall not forget you. Scarred and branded you may be

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Categories: Asprin, Robert