Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

One-Thumb finished feeding the dogs, hosed the place down, and left his estate

by way of a long tunnel, that led from his private rooms to the basement of the

Lily Garden, a respectable whorehouse a few blocks from the Maze.

He climbed the long steps up from the basement and was greeted by a huge eunuch

with a heavy glaive balanced insolently over his shoulder.

‘Early today, One-Thumb.’

‘Sometimes I like to check on the help at the Unicom.’

‘Surprise inspection?’

‘Something like that. Is your mistress in?’

‘Sleeping. You want a wench?’

‘No, just business.’

The eunuch inclined his head. ‘That’s business.’

‘Tell her I have what she asked for, and more, if she can afford it. When she’s

free. If I’m not at the Unicorn, I’ll leave word as to where we can meet.’

‘I know what it is,’ the eunuch said in a singsong voice. ‘Instant maidenhead.’

One-Thumb hefted the leather-wrapped brick. ‘One pinch, properly inserted,

turns.you into a girl again.’

The eunuch rolled his eyes. ‘An improvement over the old method.’

One-Thumb laughed along with him. ‘I could spare a pinch or so, if you’d care

for it.’

‘Oh … not on duty.’ He leaned the sword against the wall and found a square of

parchment in his money-belt. ‘I could save it for my off time, though.’ One

Thumb gave him a pinch. He stared at it before folding it up. ‘Black …


‘The best.’

‘You have that much of it.’ He didn’t reach towards his weapon. One-Thumb’s free

hand rested on the pommel of his rapier. ‘For sale, twenty grimales.’

‘A man with no scruples would kill you for it.’ Gap-toothed smile. ‘I’m doubly

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Categories: Asprin, Robert