Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

night being warm, the door to it stood open, as well as the windows. But I

inspected the facade beneath. That’s sheer marble, undecorated save for varying

colours, devoid of ivy or of anything that any climber might cling to, save he

were a fly.

‘Nevertheless … just before the east grew pale, shrieks were heard, the watch

pelted to the stair and up it. They must break down the inner door, which was

bolted. I suppose that was merely against chance interruptions, for nobody had

felt threatened. The solarium was in disarray; vases and things were broken;

shreds torn off a robe and slight traces of blood lay about. Aye, Danlis, at

least, would have resisted. But she and her mistress were gone.

‘A couple of sentries on the garden wall reported hearing a loud sound as of

wings. The night was cloudy-dark and they saw nothing for certain. Perhaps they

imagined the noise. Suggestive is that the leopards were found cowering in a

corner and welcomed their keeper when he would take them back to their cages.

‘And this is the whole of anyone’s knowledge, Illyra,’ Cappen ended. ‘Help me. I

pray you, help me get back my love!’

She was long quiet. Finally she said, in a near whisper, ‘It could be a worse

matter than I’d care to peer into, let alone enter.’

‘Or it could not,’ Cappen urged.

She gave him a quasi-defiant stare. ‘My mother’s people reckon it unlucky to do

any service for a Shavakh – a person not of their tribe – without recompense.

Pledges don’t count.’

Cappen scowled. ‘Well, I could go to a pawnshop and – But no, time may be worth

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Categories: Asprin, Robert