Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

Gophlan and uttered a discreet cough.

‘May I be of assistance, captain?’

‘Ah -!’ The officer was startled; his hand flew to something stick-shaped under

his cloak, no doubt a tightly-rolled scroll. ‘Ah … Good-day to you! I have a

problem concerning which I desire to consult your master.’

‘He will be taking his noon meal,’ Jarveena said in a suitably humble tone. ‘Let

me conduct you to him.’

Melilot never cared to have either his meals or the naps which followed them

interrupted. But there was something about Aye-Gophlan’s behaviour which made

Jarveena certain that this was an exceptional occasion.

She opened the door of Melilot’s sanctum, announced the caller rapidly enough to

forestall her employer’s rage at being distracted from the immense broiled

lobster lying before him on a silver platter, and wished there were some means

of eavesdropping on what transpired.

But he was infinitely too cautious to risk that.

At best Jarveena had hoped for a few coins by way of bonus if Aye-Gophlan’s

business proved profitable. She was much surprised, therefore, to be summoned to

Melilot’s room half an hour later.

Aye-Gophlan was still present. The lobster had grown cold, untouched, but much

wine had been consumed.

On her entrance, the officer gave her a suspicious glare.

‘This is the fledgling you imagine could unravel the mystery?’ he demanded.

Jarveena’s heart sank. What devious subterfuge was Melilot up to now? But she

waited meekly for clear instructions. They came at once, in the fat man’s high

and slightly whining voice.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert