Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

‘I’ll need your help, if it’s available,’ she said without facing Lythande.

‘What can I do?’

‘In the past you’ve prepared a drug for me from a qualis-berry extract. I recall

you said it was quite difficult to mix – but I should like enough for two people

when it’s mixed with pure qualis liqueur.’

‘Delicate and precise, but not particularly difficult. It is very subtle. Are

you sure you will only need enough to serve two?’

‘Yes, Zaibar and myself. I agree; the drug must be subtle.’

‘You must be very certain of your methods, then.’

‘Of some things, at least. The Street of Red Lanterns does not lie outside the

walls of Sanctuary by accident – you know that. The Hell Hounds and their prince

have much more to lose by hindering us than by letting the Street exist in

peace. If our past purpose were not enough to convince them, then surely the

fact that much of the city’s gold passes through my hands every year will


‘I will use the qualis-berry love potion to open Zaibar’s eyes to reality, not

to close them.’

‘I can have it for you perhaps by tomorrow evening, but more likely the day

after. Many of the traders and smugglers of the bazaar are no longer well

supplied with the ingredients I will need, but I can investigate other sources.

When the Hell Hounds drove the smugglers into the Swamp of Night Secrets, many

honest men suffered.’

Myrtis’s eyes narrowed, she released the drapery she had clutched.

‘And if the Street of Red Lanterns wasn’t here … The mongers and merchants,

and even the smugglers, might not want to admit it, but without us to provide

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Categories: Asprin, Robert