Thieves World 01 – Thieves World by Asprin, Robert

occurrences day or night in the Maze, and most honest citizens are afraid to set

foot there without an armed escort. It has been brought to our attention that

none of the guardsmen in the local garrison will enter this area, though whether

this is out of fear or if they have been bribed…’

The prince cleared his throat noisily. Zaibar grimaced and moved on to another


‘Outside the walls to the north of town is a cluster of brothels and gaming

houses. There are few crimes reported in this area, though we believe this is

due more to a reluctance on the part of the inhabitants to deal with authorities

than from any lack of criminal activity. To the far west of town is a shantytown

inhabited by beggars and derelicts known as the Downwinders. Of all the citizens

we’ve encountered so far, they seem the most harmless.’

His report complete, Zaibar returned to his place with the others as the prince

addressed them once again.

‘Your priorities until new orders are issued will be as follows,’ he announced,

eyeing the men carefully. ‘First, you are to make a concentrated effort to

reduce or eliminate petty crime on the east side of town. Second, you will close

the wharves to the smuggler traffic. When that is done, I will sign into law

certain regulations enabling you to move against the brothels. By that time, my

court duties should have eased to a point where we can formulate a specific plan

of action for dealing with the Maze. Any questions?’

‘Are you anticipating any problems with the local priesthood over the ordered

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Categories: Asprin, Robert