Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Grasping the metal ropes, his feet firmly planted in the clawlike hooks, he was lowered by Sterling while Hanson worked the winch. As he surveyed the badly damaged helicopter, which would need extensive repairs, the young inventor was beside himself with anger. Someday, he told himself, the scoundrel responsible for the savage attacks would be caught and punished by the law!

Moving about cautiously in order to keep his balance, Tom attached the grappling hooks to the Skeeter. He made sure that they were firmly secured, then signaled to the engineers above.

“Haul away!”

The derrick groaned, reduction gears spun, and the Skeeter, with Tom balancing on its roof, was


lifted through the air. Once a strong wind current rocked it violently and Tom had to bear down heavily on a guy rope to keep from being tossed off.

The boom swung in. Tom ducked to miss the hangar ceiling and jumped off onto the deck.

The Skeeter was aboard and Tom was safe!

Bud piloted the Sky Queen back to the Citadel and set it down a few miles outside the enclosure.

Tom told the others that he would like to leave for Shopton that afternoon and asked them to be ready. “I’ve done all I can at this end of the line. The next job is giving my giant robots their final tests before shipping them out here.”

Tom went off for a conference with his father before leaving. He found Mr.

Swift in his office talking to Robert Turnbull. The latter seemed to be very upset.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Swift. I am in perfect health. I never felt better. I’m thoroughly calm, thoroughly calm.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor