Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Tom sat staring into space, thinking out the prob-DEAD-END TRAIL 83

lem of combating the effects of radiation on the giant robot’s television-camera eyes. He looked at the large silver model of the Flying Lab which stood on one corner of his desk. So absorbed was Tom, though, that actually he was paying no attention to it.

A sudden thud brought him back to reality. Radnor had dropped a stack of folders on the desk.

“Good morning,” he said. “Well, here they are-all of them. Two thousand man hours of work, all for nothing. And no sooner do we finish our check than the disappearing worker returns. He’d taken time off-of all things-to elope! Had a leave coming to him, so he just up and took it.” As Tom grinned, Radnor concluded, “The fellow had nothing to do with an information leak. Completely innocent.”

“Then we’re back where we started.” Tom sighed.

“Right,” said the security man. “A false lead all the way. We’ll just have to begin tracing new suspects. Well, I’ll be on my way.”

His exit coincided with the arrival of Sandy Swift and they chatted for a few minutes. After the security officer left, she perched on the edge of her brother’s desk.

“Tom,” she said, “we were interrupted last night when I was telling you about my wonderful idea.” Sandy smiled, then continued, “How about taking Bud and Phyl and me along when you go out to the atomic energy plant?”


“I’m afraid not, Sis. Sony. You wouldn’t be allowed inside.” Tom reminded her of the strict security regulations, as well as the constant danger of exposure to radiation.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor