Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“Stolen!” Tom declared.

“Could it have fallen out?” suggested Bud hopefully.

“Not a chance. I’ll bet that it was taken by the same person who was manipulating the crow.”

Bud looked incredulous. “But who would want your relotrol, Tom?”

“I don’t know, Bud, but I mean to find out! Rad probably brought a fingerprint kit. We’ll use that.”

Cautiously he made his way to the canopy



Tom called to the security officer and asked him. “Yes, I have one,” Radnor replied. “I’ll get it.”

When he returned the security officer dusted the cockpit interior and certain surface sections of the fuselage. A number of fingerprints appeared.

“No doubt some of these belong to you boys,” he said. “But there seem to be several different sets of prints. We’ll take them all.”

After the prints had been lifted, Radnor said, “We’ll compare these with the file at the plant. Any unknown ones we’ll check with the local police. If they can’t help, we’ll fly them to Washington at once for identification.”

Phil Radnor started back to the plant immediately. Tom and Bud remained to supervise the work of removing the plane. First the men had to cut and beamed his flashlight inside


through the woods, hacking out a path for the trailer truck with electric saws.

This accomplished, they drove the truck in and the task of dismantling the triangular-shaped wings began. Finally everything was loaded and the plane was returned to its berth at Swift Enterprises.

Tom and Bud immediately began an inspection of the motors, cables, and electrical equipment. There was not a clue to the strange kidnaping.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor