Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“Radio control should prove simple in that wide-open country,” Bud remarked. “Well, I’m off to put the Skeeter through its paces, to be sure it’s in good shape to go hunting for that Injun gold!”

Bud went off to test the Sky Queen’s helicopter DEAD-END TRAIL 87

and Tom did not see him again that day. The next morning Tom decided to walk to work. The sun was shining and he whistled happily as he took the back way through woods, across a stream, and onto an open road that led to the Enterprises grounds.

Suddenly Tom was conscious of a whirring sound in the air directly above him. Looking up, he found himself gazing into the poised talons of a mechanical crow that was swooping down upon him!

Tom dodged to one side of the road, just barely missing the bird’s talons. He started to run, but his legs were no match for the crow’s speed. Tom zigzagged like a broken-field runner eluding a football tackier, but the crow followed his every move.

Once its wings hit him a glancing blow on the shoulder. Tom winced, rolled to the ground, and sprang to his feet again. The crow’s talons cut a gash in his scalp. Tom grabbed the crow’s left leg, but a second later it wrenched itself loose.

“So this is Zoltan’s revenge,” Tom thought, glancing wildly about for help.

The road was deserted.

Silently the crow dived again. Then, leveling off, its right wing hit the base of Tom’s skull. He toppled over, unconscious.



AT TOM’S OFFICE in Swift Enterprises there was confusion and consternation. Videophone, telephone, and short-wave radio calls were coming in one after another. To each Miss Trent would answer, “Tom is not here.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor