Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“I’d say so,” Tom answered, turning down a side road that led to Farmington.

Upon reaching police headquarters there, he found the place in an uproar. All off-duty policemen


had been called in and the captain was issuing orders to them in a clipped, authoritative tone.

Tom waited until the excitement died down, then he introduced himself and asked for a private interview with Captain English. Tom told as much of the story as he could without revealing his own special interest in the Briggin gang. After examining the device which the others carried in, the police officer exclaimed: “You’ve figured this out all right, Tom. The bank safe had the same kind of time-lock system as this one you found. The department’s certainly grateful to you.” As Tom arose to leave, the captain added with a grim smile, “Now if you’ll nab the robbers themselves, we’ll strike off a medal for you!”

The young inventor went home for a much-needed sleep. He was late for breakfast the next morning, but his mother, Sandy, and their friend Phyllis Newton were enjoying cocoa and doughnuts and having a lively discussion.

“Good morning,” Tom said, kissing his mother and giving each of the girls an affectionate pat on the shoulder. “Hi, Phyl? How’s tricks?”

“Tricks are bad, Tom. That’s why I’m here. You’re just the person to save the day.”

Tom sat down, dug a spoon into half a grapefruit, and grinned. “Phyl, you’re making a hero out of me even before I know why. What’s the story?”

Phyl, a pretty girl, with dark hair and large brown eyes, was the daughter of Mr. Swift’s lifelong friend

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Categories: Appleton, Victor