Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Ames looked grave. “I’m afraid you’re right, Tom.”

“With Flash Ludens-the brain-calling the for—


mula, he and the other two are probably making a mint of money selling scientific information and apparatus to other mobsters.”

“So that’s their racket,” Bud commented. “But I still don’t see what they want with Tom’s relotrol.”

No one could answer this, but Tom said tersely, “That’s something we’d better hurry and find out.”

“Okay, pal,” Bud replied. “How do we start?”

“By finding that mechanized crow,” Tom answered. “If we discover it is remote controlled, we can trace the control beam and locate the operator’s headquarters. Let’s go, Bud.” He strode toward the office door. “If anything else comes up,” he said to Harlan and Radnor, “we’ll be at the Sky Queen’s hangar.”

“Right,” Ames said. “In the meantime, I’ll alert the plant’s security network.”

As the boys hurried off toward the Flying Lab’s mammoth underground hangar, Bud said, “So we’re going to use the Sky Queen for this crow hunt.”

“Yes. I figure on making a reconnaissance flight in the area where we were attacked.”

“Whoever’s directing the crow may not send it out against the Flying Lab, though,” said Bud.

“I think we can make them.”


“By putting one of our robot models on board-a working model. They’d never pass up a chance to try capturing one of them.”


“A robot lure, eh?” Bud laughed, then sobered. “But say, aren’t you taking a chance that the Flying Lab will be kidnaped like the jet plane?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor