Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“Smith and I will leave at once,” Billing said, “so we’ll be in position by the time you’re aloft.”

Tom, feeling that the final checkup on the arrangements for the reconnaissance flight could wait until afternoon, decided to go home to lunch. He invited Bud and together the boys left the Enterprises grounds. As they strode along the little-traveled road, bordered by trees, Bud suddenly pointed excitedly.

“Isn’t that a crow on top of the tree there?”

Tom started. Following Bud’s finger, he sighted a MENACING BIRDS 35

large iridescent black bird on a treetop some distance away.

“Does he belong in a nest or a laboratory?” Tom asked, equally interested.

“From here, you couldn’t tell the difference,” he added, gazing upward. “Except that he’s smaller than the mechanical one we’ve seen so far. But there may be several sizes, for all we know.”

“I’ll tell you in a few seconds, Tom,” Bud whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“Remember I once won second prize in a bird-calling contest in school?”

Tom looked skeptical.

“I’m serious, Tom. Watch this.”

Bud threw back his head, cupped his hands to his mouth, and squawked, “Caw, caw, caw!” The crow perked up its head and looked around. Bud cawed again. Now the bird craned its neck trying to locate its fellow creature.

Bud cawed once more and this time the crow called back, scolding angrily.

Tom doubled up with laughter. “You get first prize this time, Bud.”

After lunch, when the boys were ready to return to Swift Enterprises, Tom told his family what the plans for the afternoon were. His mother begged him not to take any chances and Sandy added impishly:

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Categories: Appleton, Victor