Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Tom counted and pulled the rip cord of his chute. Gripping the shroud lines, he started turning around in mid-air to search for his friend.

The sky below him was empty. But several hundred feet away he saw Bud, almost parallel to himself. Bud waved to signal that he was all right.

“Thank goodness!” Tom breathed. Then, gazing about for the plane, he muttered, “I hate to see that jet crack up. And it’s the end of the relotrol.”


His thoughts were suddenly distracted by a roaring swish. Looking below, Tom gasped at the miracle taking place.

The tail-spinning plane had righted itself! Now the empty aircraft was flying in a straight course away from Shopton!



THEIR PARACHUTES buffeted by the wind Tom and Bud stared in bewilderment as the pilotless jet flew into the distance. The great black crow was homing in alongside the deserted craft.

“If I could only follow it!” Tom thought in disgust. “But I’ll get some pictures of it.”

Quickly he reached into the large supply pouch on his parachute harness which contained a combination camera and a small two-way radio tuned to the frequency of the control tower at Swift Enterprises.

He set the lens and managed to snap two shots of the plane and the bird before they flew out of range. Now he flipped the switch on the radio and in a moment an answer came.

“Get this message to Slim Davis pronto,” Tom said to the tower operator.

Slim excelled in handling


high-speed aircraft and had proved invaluable in several emergencies.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor