Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot


Then, reaching open country, Tom headed for Swift Enterprises.

Bud was nervous. He called, “I think a pair of headlights are hanging onto us rather close, Tom.”

In the reflector mirror the young inventor caught a glimpse of bright headlights swinging along the road behind them.

“This courier truck can beat him,” Tom said grimly, giving it more speed. But the trailing car seemed to be gaining on them. Tom instructed the girls to keep down and told Bud to warn him if it got any closer or attempted to cut them off.

“Got you, chum,” said Bud. “But watch the curve at the cloverleaf.”

Tom made the turn neatly, but the tires of the car that seemed to be tailing them turned with reckless squeals.

Swinging off the ramp, Tom took a short cut to the plant. When the other car did the same thing, there was no longer any doubt in Tom’s mind that its driver was purposely following them.

With a final burst of speed he shot toward the rear entrance to the plant. The truck’s special beamer activated the gate’s electronic eye, and as the barrier opened just ahead of them, the vehicle raced through. The solid gate slammed shut instantly. They heard the screech of tires as the car behind turned abruptly and raced off.

“Thank goodness!” said Phyl. “Here’s hoping I never have to ride with Herbert again!”


The tension over, everyone laughed. Tom drove the truck directly to the modelmaking division and the young people alighted.

“As soon as we put Herbert to bed,” Bud remarked, “we’ll go to the party.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor