Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Something about Marco’s attitude disturbed him. Unable to sleep, Tom decided to go back to work at the plant. He arose, dressed quietly so as not to waken his family, and drove to Swift Enterprises.

Quietly he let himself into the office building. The hallway was deserted.

Walking quickly he came to his private office and found the door open. He slipped in.

The light was on, but no one was inside. Tom’s eyes roved to the desk. The model of the Flying Lab was gone!

Tom was furious. Whom did Marco think he was fooling? What sort of mysterious game was he play-98 TOM SWIFT AND HIS GIANT ROBOT

ing with the model of the Flying Lab as a pawn? Before his anger had time to subside, he heard footsteps in the hall. Instinctively Tom hid behind a large overstuffed chair.

Marco entered the office, carrying the model. He carefully set it on the desk in exactly the same position Tom had left it. Then he turned and hurried out of the room.

“Well, for Pete’s sake!” Tom muttered to himself.

For an instant he was set to leap up from behind the chair and go after the man. But he was puzzled. He had to find out what made his ornamental desk piece so important.

Gingerly Tom lifted the craft and examined it closely. At first glance there was nothing to indicate

Marco carefully set the model on the desk in



that the model had been tampered with, yet something seemed different.

Tom studied it at various angles.

“I know!” he murmured. “The plane’s heavier than it was-weighs several ounces more than it did!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor