Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“That’s right nice o’ you, Tom,” said Chow, grinning. “Tell you what. He kin wear my new red-an’-yellow plaid shirt. He’d sure look more civilized that way.”

“But we’ll wait until he has a head,” said Tom. “I’d hate to scare your cowboy friends.”


“Say, I’ll bet a lil ole prairie dog you folks ain’t had lunch. How ‘bout a bowl o’

my rattlesnake soup?” he asked jokingly.

“No, thanks,” said Tom. “I’d rather be bitten by a new idea. That I could use!”

“Reckon I could cook up most everythin’ but that!” Chow waved to the scientists and entered the private laboratory galley of which he was the proud master.

While Chow prepared a substantial lunch of hamburgers and onions, the Swifts tried further experiments with the robot. Then, after eating, the two inventors separated. Mr. Swift returned to his office, while Tom worked in his laboratory on plans for improving the relotrol.

At six o’clock he returned to his office and learned that his father had gone home. At this moment Bud dashed in.

“I have news!” he reported excitedly. “Slim finally located the plane, after all.

He combed the area in a jeep and found the jet hidden in a woods about ten miles from here.”

“What!” Tom cried. “That close? Was anyone seen near it?”

“Slim says that the plane seems deserted, but he’s waiting for you before going aboard.”

Tom grabbed his two-way short-wave set. In a moment he was talking to Slim, getting exact directions to the spot in the woods where the jet had been located.


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Categories: Appleton, Victor