Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Baby. She whispered it in his mind like the stroke of her fingers along his skin. Teasing. Loving. Their own private world.

Julian swallowed hard. His face was a mask of indifference, aloof, his hard, watchful eyes surveying the crowd mercilessly, yet inside he was melting with the warmth only she could produce in him.

* * *

Chapter Fourteen

Julian took Desari’s hand and walked her out into the forest. The concert had seemed endless, and there had been so many people to talk with after the performance. Well-wishers, reporters, fans—far too many people for Julian’s liking. It went on for most of the night. Now he allowed the peace of the mountains and the night breeze to push away the sounds of the crowd and the crush of so many humans pushing close to his lifemate. He was not altogether certain he would survive this life she insisted on. It was so foreign to the nature of a Carpathian male to allow so many near her, yet Desari took it for granted that he would just accept it.

“I do not, you know. I have never taken anything for granted,” she protested, sharing his thoughts. “I know how difficult this is for you, and I appreciate the way you support me in my choice.”

His dark eyes swept over her sincere expression, his eyebrows raised slightly. “You do, do you? Appreciate the way I support your choice?” He said the words softly, a hint of laughter in their depths. “And you look so perfectly honest and genuinely earnest with your far too beautiful eyes.”

She tightened her hand around his. “I am completely sincere, Julian. I know this is hard on you, but it truly is my way of life.”

“This century, cara. For only this century will I allow it.”

She laughed softly. “You think.”

“I know. My heart cannot take the constant strain of worry. So many males hanging around you with not-so-pure thoughts. It sets my teeth on edge. And we are not even counting the vampires who appear to be stalking you and the other female at every turn.”

“Syndil,” Desari corrected softly. “Her name is Syndil.”

Julian heard the reproof in her voice, felt the tears in her mind. She loved Syndil as a sister, loved her and missed their close camaraderie. Even Julian filling her life could not take away the sorrow of what had happened. She wanted Syndil back again, whole and healed. Even her voice could not undo the brutality of what Savon had wrought. Syndil wouldn’t accept her aid. Desari felt helpless and could only watch as Syndil seemed to withdraw more and more into herself.

He caught glimpses of Desari’s memories. Syndil laughing, her eyes alight with the sheer joy of living. Syndil hugging her close, whispering womanly nonsense after they had teased Darius to distraction. The plots they hatched to attain a few hours of freedom. Secretly laughing at Barack’s anger with Syndil and Darius’s lectures when they were caught. They had had centuries together, so close, the only two females, with no other friends or confidantes sharing their innermost thoughts, fears, and joys.

Julian bent his head and rubbed his chin in the silk of Desari’s hair. He loved her. Love. It was so small a word, and people seemed to use it for everything. To him it was sacred. Desari was joy and light. Truth and beauty. She was love itself. She was the world and what it should be. He felt complete and at peace with her, even when she was driving him crazy. It amazed him, her cool confidence and tremendous gifts. Of course their women would have extraordinary gifts. Why hadn’t any of them realized? They had been so arrogant in their beliefs that the men had the powers, yet in truth, the males held only dark powers. How could that possibly compare to the gifts women brought to their world? Aside from the creation of life, obviously they had other things to offer, blessings of nature and peace, healing gifts far beyond the scope of the males.

Julian let his breath out slowly. “Syndil will be whole again, piccola, whole and happy once more. Time can heal where other things cannot. I feel it. I know it will happen. Do not continue to know such sorrow. She will return to you in a way totally unexpected. I do not know how I know this, but I do.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan