Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

“You gave me a living death, Bernado.” Julian moved then, with blurring speed, whipping toward the ancient monster as the creature suddenly surged forward. His fist was outstretched and plunged deep into the chest cavity, using the vampire’s forward motion to aid his attack. “I studied your methods, every kill.” He whispered the words, his golden eyes gleaming savagely. “You taught me the importance of knowledge, of knowing your enemy, recognizing him, and I learned well.” He wrenched the pulsating heart out of the chest and leapt away with the withered, blackened organ in his hand. It sickened him. There was no triumph as he thought there would be.

The vampire screamed in rage, a high, unearthly sound that hurt the ears and sent wildlife scurrying for cover. “You learned well the kill because I live in you,” he hissed, poisonous saliva spewing from his mouth. “You are no different than me. You wanted to be like me, but you did not have the guts to embrace the life.”

Bernado staggered toward him, his rotten teeth jagged and stained from thousands of kills, his body beginning to collapse in on itself. Julian stepped back farther, full) aware the aberration was still dangerous as long as the heart was in proximity to the body. He flung it away and directed a blade of light to incinerate it. At once the body began to flop around, spewing tainted blood that crept toward him relentlessly. Julian calmly sent the energy toward the body and then the blood, removing all evidence of Bernado’s existence. At last he used the white-hot heat to sear away the taint from his hands. From his soul.

It was over. At long last. It was over. He had never felt such sorrow, an oppressive, nearly numbing force weighing him down. He found himself down on one knee, his body shaking, his chest burning. This thing had nearly destroyed his life, had taken so much from him. The vampire had made him believe it was invincible and Julian had spent centuries, centuries acquiring knowledge for this one moment in time. It was over in seconds. Only seconds. When the vampire had cost him so much.

Bernado was right. He had turned Julian into the very thing he despised. A killer without equal. The shadow had grown and spread, consuming him. Julian’s face was wet with tears as he looked up at the night sky. He was a monster without equal.

A hunter without equal. Come to me, Julian. Desari’s soft voice washed over him like a cool, fresh breeze.

I do not think I can face the crowd there, beloved one. He answered her honestly. He was used to a solitary existence, and at this moment, when the weight of his life’s sorrows hung on him, when he realized the numbers of his people he had slain, when the cost of losing his twin for all those long centuries burdened his soul and shattered his heart, when he felt like a boy, shamed and damned by his own reckless youth, he wanted to be away from others.

Would it help if I came to you, my love? There was the merest hesitation, as if she was afraid he didn’t want her near.

Despite the stony ache in his heart, he found himself nearly smiling. How could he not want her at his side? His heart. His soul. The blood running in his veins. His other half. It would help a great deal.

He turned his head to watch her approach. Even in flight, her movements were wholly feminine. Whether on the wing, racing on four legs through the forest, or walking within her own body, she was the most beautiful woman he could imagine. He stood up as she landed lightly on the cliff beside him. She took his breath away. His tears away. She took the dark shadow and dispersed it for all time into the night.

Desari stood with the night sky at her back, her long hair cascading around her. Her smile held so much love for him, he could only stand spellbound, enthralled for all eternity by this one woman who completed him. She had given him his life. She had given him a family. She was his home.

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Categories: Christine Feehan