Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Furious, Desari cut off the contact. He thought her a mere mortal he could so easily command? How dare he? She was of ancient and powerful Carpathian blood. She deserved respect. No one, not even her brother, the leader of their family, would treat her with such disdain. Taking a deep breath, Desari calmed herself. Two could play at his game. She could track him as well. His blood was in her veins. If he could find her and try to “push” her, she could do the same. Desari went very quiet, allowing her mind to become a tranquil pool. She took her time searching each path until she found the one that would lead her to the stranger.

Who are you? She pushed him, gave a good, hard compulsion.

There was a silence. Then his infuriating laughter. So, you are like your guard. Carpathian, not mortal after all. We have much to find out about one another. You are Carpathian, yet different.

You did not take my blood. How is it you can track me? In spite of herself, Desari was impressed. She knew Darius could do such a thing, but Barack and Dayan could not. Nor could she. Yet. But she was always learning things from her brother.

Know this, cara, you belong to me.

Only if I wish it, she corrected him, angry all over again. His arrogance was astounding to her.

The bus shuddered to a stop, and Syndil turned in her seat. “This is a good place for us to hide, Desari. Can you help me get Darius to earth?”

Color swept up Desari’s neck and into her face, and she avoided Syndil’s gaze. She did not want anyone to know what she was doing. “Yes. I am feeling much stronger now, thanks to you, Syndil,” she answered.

What a little liar you are, the taunting male voice informed her.

Stay away from me.

You want me. His voice was a drawling caress.

You wish. Desari forced herself to her feet and staggered down the aisle to her brother’s side.

Desari and Syndil focused their attention on Darius and lifted him between them, using only the power of their minds. The cats pushed close, trying to see for themselves that Darius was fine. Without warning, Desari’s strength increased. Startled, she looked at Syndil. But she knew it was the stranger lending her his power.

Go away. Just go away. Desari stumbled on the bottom step but recovered. Darius’s body didn’t so much as waver.

“You are practically carrying him by yourself,” Syndil said admiringly.

I injured him. The words were said with a deep satisfaction, but the stranger continued to provide Desari with the necessary strength to keep from dropping Darius to the ground.

She refused to acknowledge his statement. Angry with herself for her disloyalty, for even wanting to converse with the stranger, Desari waved a hand to open the ground for her brother’s body. She knew the stranger was dwelling in her, but she was fully aware of her own power. He could not read what she did not want him to know as long as she remained on the alert for his invasion.

Darius floated into the earth. Healing soil poured over his body. Sasha, the female leopard, lay on top of the spot. Desari opened the earth beside her brother and entered, grateful for the soothing tranquillity nature offered as it healed her body and mind.

“Sleep well, little sister,” Syndil whispered. “Do not fear. I will take care of all the details and loose ends before I seek rest this night. Heal, Desari, and be safe.”

“Watch yourself, Syndil. There may be other assassins,” Desari cautioned. She closed her eyes and let the earth surround her.

The last thing she felt as she shut down her body was a male hand brushing her face in a slow, heart-melting caress. The last thing she heard before her heart ceased to beat was his voice. I will come to you, piccola. I will always be near should you have need of me.

* * *

Chapter Three

Security was tight at the singing troupe’s next sold-out concert. Policemen and security personnel were visible everywhere. No one was taking any chances this time, treating Desari as if she were a national treasure. Every entrance was heavily guarded and each person checked with a metal detector before being admitted. Dogs roamed the aisles with their handlers, and Darius oversaw it all. He was not about to allow assassins a second chance at his sister.

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Categories: Christine Feehan