Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Desari, it would take Darius to destroy his sister’s chosen lifemate.

Is there a possibility that you missed something? Desari demanded of her brother, not for one minute believing that. Darius was always completely thorough.

Do not be ridiculous. Darius sounded wearier than he intended. He realized it when he saw the alarm in her dark eyes. At once he held out his hand to reassure her. “Do not worry, little sister.”

Dayan immediately offered his wrist again to supply the leader with whatever it took to aid him. By now Barack would have Syndil in the ground, safeguards strong to ensure her safety. It was always Barack who looked after Syndil, especially since the attack. Where once Barack had been easygoing and cocky, now he was much quieter, his eyes watchful, thoughtful whenever they rested on Syndil. Dayan had been the one to aid their leader in the healing of the stranger, while Barack had protected Syndil.

Dayan found himself sitting abruptly, dizzy from the volume of blood he had supplied this night. Darius was already compelling Julian to feed. Dayan could not help but admire the efficient way Darius did everything, his movements ever sure and powerful. The stranger had the same assurance about him.

Dayan studied Desari’s choice of a mate. He looked dangerous even in his deathlike state. He glanced at Desari, a little mystified why she would choose a man so like her brother when she often chafed under Darius’s stringent rules for the women.

“Go feed, Dayan,” Darius said. “Desari and I will place Julian in the ground. I will lie above the two of them to protect both while he is healing. You must construct safeguards around our campsite to keep others out while we sleep this rising.”

Dayan nodded. “No problem, Darius. Do not worry.”

“Call to me if you have need of my assistance.”

Dayan rose and moved silently out to the hunt. Desari sighed softly. “He seems very alone sometimes, Darius.”

“Males are always alone, little sister,” Darius answered quietly. “It is something we all must face.” He touched her chin with a fingertip. “We are without your compassion and loving nature.”

“What can we do to help?” Desari asked immediately, her eyes shadowed with worry.

“Your singing helps, the peace in you. You and Syndil are our strength, Desari. Never think you are not.”

“Yet we are the ones responsible for the gathering of vampires in this region. They are looking for us.”

Darius nodded. “That is more than likely. But it is hardly your fault.”

“Yet you have to destroy them.”

“It is my duty. I accept it without question or thought. Now, Desari, I am weary, and we must get this man of yours deep within the earth to complete his healing. Let us go.”

Desari started down the aisle, then turned back to address him over her shoulder. “The bus broke down again, Darius. I intend to put an ad in some of the papers looking for a mechanic to travel with us. I realize it will change things a bit, but we can easily control a single human. I can even place a compulsion in the ad so that we attract the one we are seeking.”

“If he is out there. If your chosen one is not going to get jealous. He appears to be somewhat possessive.”

Desari turned away from her brother, pleased she was able to get that much of a concession out of him. Darius obviously believed she could never find such a person, but she was determined to try. She was tired of seeing to every detail of their travel by herself.

They stepped outside into the gray light of dawn and moved hurriedly into the deep forest to select an area protected from the sun yet with several escape routes.

Desari found such a spot and waved her hand to open the earth, revealing the healing coolness the soil provided to rejuvenate those of her kind. It beckoned her, whispering promises of sleep and protection.

Behind her, Darius floated silently to the site with his burden. Very carefully he lay Julian in the bed of soil. “Sleep deeply, the sleep of our people, chosen one of my sister, that you will heal completely and wake refreshed and in full strength.” He spoke the words formally as Desari followed Julian to earth. He watched as his sister waved her hand, taking her last breath before the soil poured over them.

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Categories: Christine Feehan