Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

“I will hunt,” Darius corrected firmly. “Savage will stay here to protect you.”

“No. Desari is safe here for now. I will go with you,” Julian stated in a soft voice, aware of his lifemate’s silent terror, that her brother would choose to be mortally wounded, and achieve an honorable death, fighting a vampire. Be easy, cara, I will ensure that your brother returns to you unharmed. No vampire could possibly defeat the two of us. Go to ground, and we will return to you after we destroy the undead. He did not want not to leave the hunting of this vampire to her brother for reasons of his own, as well.

Her fingers clutched at his arm. There were tears in her mind. You will probably end up killing one another without me to referee.

I have given you my word on this, piccola. You must trust me. The deep timbre of Julian’s voice in her mind was reassuring, sending waves of warmth and comfort throughout her.

“There is no need for both of us to go,” Darius challenged softly.

Julian’s white teeth flashed in answer, but the smile did not reach his eyes. “I agree with you, Darius. As Desari relies so heavily on your protection, it would indeed be best that you stay with her.” He leaned over and brushed his mouth over the corner of Desari’s lips. Cara, do not fret. Already his solid form was shimmering, evaporating, so that it was a prism of crystal fog rising toward the graying sky.

Darius swore under his breath, clearly outmaneuvered. He was beginning to feel a grudging respect for the stranger with the golden eyes. It had not been quite as easy as he had suggested to unravel Savage’s trail, and he had been fairly certain the man knew he was following. Darius found him interesting. He didn’t altogether trust him; he was a renegade, and there was something not quite right about him. Something buried deep. Darius intended to keep an eye on him.

“Go to ground, Desari. Do not argue with me, as I am giving you an order, not asking. I want to know your exact location so that I may sleep above you in the earth this day.” His hand touched her face in a display of love and affection that he wanted to feel, that he should have been able to feel, yet could not. Nevertheless, he always granted her the gestures because he knew she needed them, knew she wanted him to feel those emotions that were no longer his to feel.

Without waiting for a reply, knowing the dawn’s first light would render it impossible for the vampire to hunt Desari, Darius leapt skyward, dissolving into a fine mist that streaked after the stream of iridescent fog. Desari stared after the two male Carpathians, squinting slightly as the twilight before dawn began to replace the darkness. She didn’t want to feel fear for either of them—they were both strong and powerful—yet she couldn’t help but worry. On more than one occasion, she had seen Darius return torn and bloody from a vicious battle with a vampire. And they were braving the dawn as well, which would weaken them enormously, albeit not as drastically as it would one who had turned.

Darius had always tried to keep the women away from that aspect of their existence, but she was of his blood. The same power and intelligence ran as deeply in her, and she knew of Darius’s terrible struggle. She knew he was slipping away from her. She feared for his soul, feared for her race and that of the mortal beings. She truly believed in her heart that should Darius turn, there was no hunter alive who could defeat him. All would be lost, including Darius and all he had done, everything he had sacrificed for them throughout the centuries.

She went into the small cabin and wandered around, touching the things in the room. Works of art—unusual, old, and unique. Julian liked beautiful things. She picked up his silk shirt, brought it to her face, and inhaled his masculine scent. Julian.

I am with you, cara. Do not fret. It was amazing to her that the communication between them was so strong. Just a thought of him, the worry for him in her mind, and he was aware instantly. I shall return to you soon. Go to ground now.

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Categories: Christine Feehan