Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

“Ah, yes, the famous concert where you were guarding her.”

“Do not try my patience too far, Savage. You are responsible for what happened at that concert. Had I not been distracted by the power you exuded, the assassins would not have made it inside. You opened the door for them.” Darius stepped back and surveyed the cliffside. “This rock pattern looks strange, does it not?”

Julian studied the multilayered face of the cliff. “His safeguards perhaps. They are unfamiliar to me. Have you seen patterns like these before? I thought I had learned most of the ancient works.”

Darius glanced at him. “You are fortunate that you had the advantage of being taught such things. Most of what I learned came from singeing my fingers when I made a wrong move. This is a relatively new theme, developed in the New World sometime in the last century. I believe it started in South America, where a group of vampires had quite a stronghold. They copied the pattern from native art. This seems to be some derivation of that.” He paused. “In South America I saw evidence of others as well, perhaps like you. But I could not be certain they were not the undead; and with the women, I did not want to chance it, so I moved my family quickly from that place.”

Julian glanced at him, then examined the rock face carefully, filing away for future reference the possibility that other Carpathians might exist in South America. He would relay the information to Gregori. The Prince would want to know, and what Gregori knew, Prince Mikhail knew. “Interesting. The pattern doesn’t work on the reverse theory. It weaves back and forth.”

“Exactly. When you unravel it, you not only have to reverse the pattern but also move up and down and back and forth. It is intricate, very complex to unravel. I am unsure if we have enough time to do it. The sun is climbing. Already I am feeling the effects,” Darius admitted.

Julian studied his companion, his golden eyes seeing more than Darius might like. Most Carpathians could stand the early morning rays. Two things, however, made them hypersensitive. Feeding on blood from a kill, and moving closer to the time of turning. Darius had to be close. Very close. It was in the emotionless pits of his eyes, the total disregard for his own life. Darius didn’t only fight with complete confidence in his abilities; he fought like a male uncaring of the outcome.

“Go back to my sister, Savage. Guard her well. I will do what I can here, as I am more familiar with this safeguard than you. If something should happen to me, perhaps you will take my place and provide leadership for the others of my family,” Darius said casually, although the latter suggestion must have galled him at least a little. Still, his sense of duty made him want someone of power, even Julian, to protect his family should he seek his honorable death.

Julian shook his head. “I am strictly a loner. I do not have leadership qualities.” He would not make it easy for Darius to leave his sister and break her heart.

“Desari feared that if something was to happen to you, it would also happen to her. Is that true?” Darius asked the question almost absently, as if he were not really paying attention.

Julian nodded. “It is so. I have bound her to me. If I were to die, she could very well choose the dawn rather than live on without me. You would have to send her to ground for a long while to safeguard her.”

“It is far too risky. I am unwilling to chance Desari’s life or the state of her mind. You are quite capable of leading should you choose. Perhaps you do not wish it, but if there is need, I am certain you would do no other than to step forward,” Darius replied.

Julian had the feeling Darius was testing him again in some way. It didn’t matter. Julian had lived long with the darkness crouching in him. He had cut himself off from his people, his own twin, even his Prince. He was used to being an outcast, used to being alone and distrusted. “Oh, no, Darius, you will not do this thing. Desari has feared that you intend to permit yourself to be mortally injured. This I cannot allow. Desari is not ready to leave her family, nor would the others accept me. We will both return to your sister now and take care of the vampire at sundown.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan