Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Darius’s voice was so low now, Julian was unsure whether he was really speaking aloud or mind to mind. “You grow weak, Darius. Sleep. We can talk of such things when you are healed.” Deliberately, Julian allowed his voice to drop an octave, to take on the low, hypnotic tone of his kind. Soothing, peaceful, healing. An underlying command, very subtle but nevertheless powerful.

Darius smiled, a mere flash of strong white teeth. He heard that “push” in Julian’s voice and recognized it for what it was. Even in his weakened state, he would ordinarily have resisted such a mind touch, but Julian was going to do as he wished anyway. He would hunt the undead without Darius, and argument with him would be futile. And tiring. Darius planned to sleep for a long while. “I go under, golden one, but do not think you managed to make me overlook the fact that I must thank you for my continued existence.”

“Or curse me.” Julian stepped away from the black, rich soil, then watched as the breath ceased and the heart quit beating in Darius’s chest. He waved a hand so the soil would fill in around and over the body, providing the healing balm to mend the terrible wounds. His hands wove the patterns of strong safeguards to ensure Darius would not be disturbed. He stood for a long moment, savoring the unexpected warmth that came with belonging to something. Once he hunted and destroyed his ancient enemy and knew all was safe, he would seek out his own twin brother. He ached to see Aidan again, to meet his lifemate and to present Desari to him. Though he dreaded having to admit the truth, that he had been marked by a vampire as a boy, he now longed for what interaction with others could bring into one’s life. He wanted to be part of a family once again.

“You are already part of a family,” Desari reminded him, her body brushing his, her arms circling his waist from behind. She had materialized out of nowhere, her presence filling the healing chamber.

She was there. Completing him. His air. His heart. The part of his soul that really lived and loved and mattered. Without conscious thought he sent up a quick prayer of thanks that he had been granted such a priceless treasure when he felt so undeserving of her.

Julian loved the way she smelled. He inhaled, and her scent washed over him, clean and sexy. “This mess? With all these males?” Julian allowed a low, rumbling growl to escape. “This is no family. This is a man’s nightmare.”

Desari deliberately moved against him, her body soft and pliant with invitation. “Is that what you think?”

“What I think is”—Julian circled her slender throat with his large hand in mock threat—”you are deliberately tempting me when I have important, pressing business to attend to.”

Her slender arms instantly circled his neck so that she could press her body against his hard frame. “I am a superstar, lifemate, yet you wish to leave me alone at every opportunity. There are men everywhere who would be happy to take your place by my side.”

He bent his head, his teeth scraping a provocative rhythm over her pulse. Desari went liquid, boneless, her stomach clenching in anticipation. “No, they would not be happy to take my place at your side, cara mia, because I would promptly end their lives in a most unhappy way.”

“You are such a caveman, Julian. You look tall and elegant and princely, yet you have not matured beyond the cave.” Desari allowed her tongue a brief inspection of the taste of his skin. She closed her eyes to savor the moment.

“I have no intention of rising above caveman mentality,” he growled in her ear, his breath teasing tendrils of hair and sending little flames dancing through her bloodstream. “There are so many benefits for the caveman.”

“You like playing the part of the dominant male, no doubt,” she whispered, her voice so husky with need that his body tightened in urgent, painful response. Her mouth moved over his throat, her hands seeking skin beneath his shirt. “I have a need of you, lifemate, and you are deliberately ignoring your sworn duties to me.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan