Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Who was it that had saved her life, she wondered. Why had he done so? Darius said he could detect no evil, no tainted blood in her, and he should know. He had hunted and killed the undead often enough down through the centuries. He knew better than any of them the stench of tainted blood. He said it burned skin, raised blisters, and ate through flesh if left in contact too long. Darius had learned that bit of important information as he had everything else: the hard way.

Desari knelt on the bed at the back of the bus and stared out at the scene of dwindling chaos. Ambulances and police cars were pulling away, the crowd was beginning to disperse. She hadn’t thought to ask Darius if any of their attackers had escaped. Knowing Darius, she doubted it, but he might have been so concerned with her, Barack, and Dayan that he had allowed some of those guilty to escape his particular brand of justice.

Syndil drove the bus with surprising expertise, and Desari kept her eyes glued behind them, watching for any lights trailing the vehicle. Suddenly her heart was in her throat, pounding in alarm. For some reason she didn’t want to leave the bar. She felt she was leaving behind her destiny. She needed to be where he could find her. He?

Desari gasped and sank back onto the bed.

“What is it?” Syndil demanded, looking into the rearview mirror. She could hear Desari’s increased heartbeat, her sudden gasp of alarm. The blood was pumping through her veins far too fast. Syndil couldn’t see anyone behind them. “What is it, Desari?” she repeated.

“I cannot leave this place,” Desari said softly, sadly, sorrow in her heart. She pressed her hands to her pounding temples. “Let me out, Syndil. I must stay here.”

“Breathe, Desari. Just breathe your way through it. Whatever happened to you, we can fix it,” Syndil assured her, stomping harder on the gas pedal. She was not about to leave Desari anywhere in her condition.

Desari? The faint stirring in her mind was Darius. She recognized his touch, the natural arrogance in his voice. Do you have need of me?

I cannot go away from him. The creature who gave me blood has tied us together in some way. Darius, I am so frightened.

Syndil has given you good advice. Remain calm and think. Breathe. You are powerful, maybe every bit as much as this creature who is attempting to ensnare you. Use that power now. If you fear leaving him do not. He will come for you again. And this time I will be waiting.

There is a terrible emptiness in me. I cannot bear to go away from him. He is calling to me.

You hear him? Darius’s voice in her mind was stronger, his interest caught despite his need to rest and heal. You hear his voice?

Desari shook her head, forgetting for a moment that her brother couldn’t see her. Her arms were across her stomach, and she was rocking herself back and forth for comfort. Her battered body was not nearly as painful as her aching soul. No, it is not like that. Only a terrible wrenching, a feeling of being ripped apart. He is so strong, Darius. He will never let me go. Never.

I will rid you of this creature, Desari.

Again she shook her head. I do not think you can, Darius.

I will not fail you.

Desari pressed the back of her hand to her trembling mouth. “You cannot,” she whispered softly aloud. “If you kill him, he will take me with him when he goes.”

Syndil gasped, her acute hearing picking up the thread of sound and sorrow from Desari. She had known Darius was communicating privately with his sister even in his deep sleep; Darius was strong even in the worst times. “Tell him, Desari. Tell Darius if you really believe that. You know no one can defeat Darius. It is impossible. He must know if what you say is true.”

“He cannot help me this time. No one can,” Desari said.

Syndil called to Darius inside her own mind, something she had not done since the violent attack on her. Desari believes that if you kill this creature, he will take her with him from this world. And I believe that if she thinks he can do such a thing, she is in danger.

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Categories: Christine Feehan