Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

“Barack,” Julian snapped immediately, “you and Desari are closest to her heart. Desari can use her voice to hold Syndil to us; you must go after her and find her. She will most likely be difficult, disoriented, still half in the earth and half hypnotized by the trap that has been set. Darius, Dayan, and I will go after the undead. He is very skilled. Be very careful, this one is strong. He will not be an easy adversary.”

Barack glanced at Darius for confirmation. The leader simply nodded his head. Unfamiliar with the technique the vampire was using, he was not above using whatever expertise was offered.

“You are certain you can track Syndil while you are out of your body?” Julian asked Barack, his voice deliberately without inflection. He had no intention of offending Barack, but he didn’t know any of them well enough to know their abilities. Darius was the only male of the group Julian had absolute faith in. The leader was capable of defeating any opponent, and certainly he could track a member of his family unit out of his own body.

“I can find Syndil anywhere in this world, at any time,” Barack responded, his voice low and confident. “And I can protect her.”

Julian nodded. “Good.” He turned back to Dayan and Darius, trusting that Barack could do as he claimed. “A vampire this cunning has been around a long time. He would not be making his move against four male Carpathians unless he believed he had a very good chance of defeating us. He must realize Darius has tremendous experience. He has studied this unit for some time, but he might not know about me yet. This trap took long-term planning, so it is safe to assume he has spent time setting it up. He has probably been counting on the fact that Syndil has been absent from the band these last couple of months and the link between all of you has weakened. It is why he chose her as his target and why he earlier sent the lesser of the undead to do his bidding, the one Barack, not an experienced hunter, so easily defeated.”

“How is it you think that he has studied us without our knowledge?” Darius inquired, his voice devoid of inflection.

“I cannot answer that,” Julian replied. “I can only surmise that we are dealing with a powerful being, patient as most of his kind are not. He will try to concentrate on destroying you, Darius, as he knows you are the most lethal to him. He will count on you sending Dayan away with Desari. He will strike at you the moment he thinks he has Syndil sufficiently enthralled in his web.”

“Then it would be rude to disappoint this one,” Darius answered softly, his black eyes empty, ice cold.

Julian nodded his agreement. “Dayan, I must ask of you that you stay with Desari and see that she comes to no harm should I be mistaken.”

“Perhaps I could draw him out with my voice,” Desari offered, suddenly anxious, not wanting to be separated from Julian.

You will not attempt to draw out the vampire. Dayan will keep you close. Stay linked with me unless I break off suddenly, and do not merge again unless you are in danger. Please do as I ask. Without your cooperation, I will be unable to help Darius.

Desari bit her lower lip. Dayan was moving to her side, his face grim and harsh. “I will concentrate on holding Syndil to us,” she agreed as Dayan gently but firmly took her arm. “I will not fail her.”

“It will be a struggle; do not think it will not be. The ancient undead will not give up his plan easily. It will take the combined strength of both you and Barack. Call her to you now, and hold her to you. Draw her back if you can do so. Darius and I will hunt this monster down.”

Dayan can hunt with him. She couldn’t help herself.

I must stay with Darius if I am to keep my promise to you. Dayan has not the experience to help should there be need.

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Categories: Christine Feehan