Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

The men stared at one another, astonished at the power of Desari’s voice. It held them easily within its spell, two strong Carpathian males unable to find the aggression to continue their battle. Her voice continued, drawing the notes into a net of silver and gold shimmering brightly in the moonlight. The net enveloped the two men, weaving tiny radiant threads between them. They could only stare at her, captivated by the sheer magnificence and power of her incredible gift.

Darius could feel the depth of his sister’s emotions, her need of this man, her body’s demands for him, her uncertainties and fears. He could feel the fierce, protective nature, the possessive streak, the deep hunger and desire for Desari, the passion running so deeply in the Carpathian male. He felt the melding of their two souls into one solid unit, shared between two separate bodies.

Julian could see clearly into Darius’s heart. The demands of his very soul to protect his sister, to see to it that all within his family remained safe. The man feared that Julian was vampire, the undead, luring his sister to her doom. He would fight to the death, take anyone who threatened her with him. There was no peace for Darius. He fought the terrible darkness the males of their race were forced to battle toward the end of their existence. He fought it and with only the sheer force of his will survived each rising.

The silver and gold notes began to shimmer, their luminescence slowly fading with the whisper of her voice falling away. There was silence. It was loud, almost obscene after the beauty of her song. Darius continued to stare at his sister. Julian was frankly awed by her display of power. He, like most Carpathian males, generally thought of power as a destructive force. Desari had as much power as any male, but of a completely different kind.

“I did not take her away to harm her,” he offered, his voice low.

Desari’s dark eyes flashed. “No one could take me, Darius. I go where I desire, not where someone takes me.”

“I can see you have made your choice, little sister,” Darius replied evenly. “But this man will not be an easy companion.” He could smell the combined scent of their lovemaking, the male’s blood mingling with hers. However the golden-haired stranger had done it, Desari was locked to his side for all eternity. “I am Darius,” he introduced himself reluctantly. “Desari is my sister.”

“Julian Savage,” Julian returned, gliding to the porch to take up his position at Desari’s side. His very posture screamed possession, yet was protective, almost tender toward Desari. “Desari is my lifemate.”

“We have never before encountered another like us. All have been the undead and had to be destroyed.” Darius’s dark eyes, so like Desari’s yet so coldly lethal, measured Julian. Whether Darius found Julian lacking or not was hidden beneath the impassive mask he wore.

“There are a few of us left,” Julian said quietly. “We are often hunted by those who have turned vampire as aggressively as we hunt them.” His hand found the wealth of silken hair tumbling down Desari’s back and crashed a fistful of the ebony strands in his palm almost absently, his touch tender. “Did you know she could do that?”

“I do not even know what the hell she did,” Darius admitted.

“I am here.” Desari sniffed indignantly. “And I know exactly what I did. If the two of you were not so arrogant and conceited, you might have considered that the women of our race would have endowments equal to those of the men.”

Julian glanced at Darius, just a quick flash of golden eyes, but Darius caught a glint that might have been amusement.

“Arrogant? Conceited?” Julian reprimanded with a grin. “Desari, that is a little harsh.”

“I do not think so,” she told him severely. “You are like two territorial male animals, circling each other threateningly without even knowing what the other is about. How intelligent is that?”

“Desari…” There was a distinct warning in Darius’s voice.

She glanced down at her bare toes, then blushed, realizing that Darius knew exactly what had taken place in that cabin. How could he not? Julian’s scent clung to every inch of her skin. Julian’s hand went to the nape of her neck, his strong fingers beginning a slow, soothing massage. He was linked to her mind, and he felt her discomfort at her brother’s knowledge of their intimacy.

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Categories: Christine Feehan